As promised, here are some interior shots from
"An Architect's Garden," which we visited last weekend. We were surprised to learn that the house was open, and a little hesitant to walk into someone else's home. At first I felt strange about taking pictures, but I soon got over that. :)
I wish I could describe for you the feeling of walking into this home... the soaring ceilings, the faded leather chairs, the pieces of architectural salvage, the mirrors and prints leaning casually against a wall, the huge dried flowers arrangements... it was almost like stumbling upon a barn filled with a cache of antiques and faded flowers. Strange and wonderful and totally unique.
There were two fireplaces at either end of this great room, which had a dining table at one end (shown in the first photo) and a living area at the other end (shown above). As you can see the entire room was a treasure trove of architectural salvage and faded antiques. We later learned that the owners have a design business, and many of the pieces in the house are for sale.
Another view of the living room (above) shows the owner's wonderful collection of architectural salvage, including columns, statues, and light fixtures (bottom left of the photo above).
The garden is ever present and easily viewed from within the home because of the many windows and french doors.
The room above is a hallway that runs the width of the house, separating the great room from the kitchen. Sadly, I did not get any photos of the kitchen, but I think you can see some on the owner's design website. I'll give you a link at the end of this post.
Here is another view of the great room. I think it gives you a better idea of all the diverse treasures so casually displayed.
OK, I know some of you are going to say "hay in a garden urn as a side table?!" Perhaps not the most practical of design ideas, but somehow it just seemed perfect here... Now do you see what I meant when I said "strange and wonderful?"
I've still got some more of the garden and conservatory to show you next week. In the meantime, here is the owner's design website,
Tendenze Design.
I'm linking this post to Cindy's
Show & Tell Friday. Thanks so much, Cindy, for being such a gracious hostess. :)