I've always been anxious to grow hellebores because some gardening books mark their bloom time as January-February. Yes, well... in England, maybe. In New Jersey, they usually appear for me around late March. This has been an especially snowy and cold winter, so they didn't really show their faces till April.
But that's OK. I'm happy to see them whenever they deign to appear, because it means that spring has begun. No, they are not the reliable late-winter bloomers that the books portray... at least not for me. But they tend to appear with the daffodils, and they are most welcome!
One of their common names is Lenten Rose, and I guess this year that is an accurate description. The blooms themselves are downward facing, so that I finally decided to snip two buds and bring them inside just so that I could photograph them. I think they go particularly well with this Fan China teacup, and also with the small Clarice Cliffe transferware dish, with it's purple and white basket motif. I like to pair flowers and dishes, as you may have noticed. ;)
The teacup belonged to my mother -- she collected them. I guess that is where I get my collecting gene from, although my father was known to come home from the town dump with more than he brought. :)
The transferware plate is from a partial set that I bought a few years ago in my favorite thrift store. I walked into the store, spied them by the desk, but went to look at something else. When I returned, someone had bought half the set.
First rule of thrifting -- when you see it, grab it!
I wanted to thank you all again for your thoughts and prayers for my father-in-law. He is doing better, and my be moved to a rehab center in the next few days. So again, my thanks to all of you. xoxo