Here is the story of Chippy, full name: Chippydoodle. Our tame chipmunk at Little Red House.
It all started several years ago. My husband and I were sitting on the deck, reading the Sunday papers and munching on some roasted almonds, when suddenly a chipmunk appeared at our feet. We were surprised to see the little fellow, and my husband tossed him an almond. Thus began our acquaintance with Chippydoodle.
He sat and nibbled on the almond for a short while, then tucked the remainder in his cheek and scuttled off. Soon he was back for more. Over the course of the afternoon, he probably garnered enough nuts to take him through the winter. But that was not the end of it.
Every time we sat on the deck, Chippy would visit us. Soon, we were buying cans of roasted almonds just for him. He had a very eclectic taste -- plain, honey roasted, spicy cajun -- they were all the same to old Chippydoodle. He would sit on his little haunches and, holding the nut in his tiny paws, quickly lick all the salt and flavoring off. Then, he would nibble the edges a little. Finally, he would tuck the almond in his fat little cheeks and scamper off.
I became the prime dispenser of nuts. Chippy would take an almond from my fingers, stick it in his little cheeks, and look up with bright eyes, waiting for another one. When I had given him three or four nuts, he would dart quickly away, his cheeks bulging with booty. I loved handing him a nut, and watching his clever little fingers grasping the prize.
We have not had any visits from Chippy this year, which leads me to believe that he may have gone on to that Big Nuthouse in the Sky. But we have been adopted by the little fellow you see in the picture above. He is much more shy than our dear Chippy, and has not learned to beg for almonds yet, but hope springs eternal. Maybe by the end of the summer, I'll have him eating out of my hand.
I'll let you know.