Wednesday, June 30, 2010

An Architect's Garden: Conservatory

As promised last week, here is a look at the conservatory/greenhouses at "An Architect's Garden," which we visited a few weeks ago. There is a beautiful courtyard, with a pool, in front of the main door to the conservatory (shown above).

Inside, the conservatory is filled with antique furniture and gardening items. Don't you love those giant cloches (pictured above)?

And just look at those green glazed pots. Can you say "gorgeous?"

I'm thinking the small dressers on the table (above) must be furniture maker's samples. I love the beauty of these utilitarian pieces.

Just look at the brass faucet and stone farmer's sink in the potting room. Beautiful!

More casual beauty (above). Oh how I love this place! :)

And a huge antique chandelier hangs in the central room of the conservatory (above). Gorgeous!

I'm guessing that the small staircases (above) are architect's models. Wonderful and whimsical!

This is the gravel path outside the greenhouses. Don't you love the little stone tower and the purple catmint?

The conservatory and greenhouses from the back (above). I hope you have enjoyed the tours of An Architect's Garden as much as I have. If you missed the other installments, you can find them here, here and here.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Purple Fields

This is the nature trail that opened last fall at our favorite park, Natirar. It's fun to see the change of seasons here, from the beautiful autumn colors, to the snow-lined paths, to the parade of blooms that come with summer. A few weeks ago, the field was lined with ribbons of purple thistle flowers. And the purple blooms were alive with the drone of bees, and dozens of butterflies.

It's been stinking hot here in New Jersey for the past week or so. Yes I know, hot weather in summer is not exactly news, but somehow I think the mild and rainy spring lulled me into a false sense of security. I just am not prepared for the 90+ degree days, and the awful humidity. ;)

How's the weather been in your neck of the woods?

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Kathy-Delightsome Life  38. When Wallflowers Dance  75. Shannara, Sweden  
2. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen  39. Carolyn Aiken House and Gardens  76. MaryBeth Wa. USA  
3. ellen b  40. The Gathering Place  77. Jackie's blog  
4. Carol  41. M is for Maga  78. Helena  
5. EG Wow, Canada  42. Shelia@NoteSongs  79. DailyLiving - Regina, Philippines  
6. Dab of This and That  43. Horticulture Hottie  80. DawnTreader, Sweden  
7. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook  44. bj @Sweet Nothings  81. Carol at Serendipity  
8. Lenore@ A Vintage Obsession  45. glenda@serendipitycottage  82. Blessing Reflections  
9. Pat@Back Porch Musings  46. Kamini @ Saffron and Silk  83. Wandering Thought  
10. ldh  47. Small Reflections  84. Reach Beyond Limits  
11. Snap @ Twisty Lane  48. happily retired at WordPress  85. Becky K - Blueberry Patch  
12. Feathering An Empty Nest  49. Sacred Ruminations  86. FRESH PICKS @ BRAMBLEBERRY COTTAGE  
13. Meri of Playing Along  50. One Small Candle  87. linda  
14. Pat - Mille Fiori Favoriti  51. Doro  88. Sheila@Starshine Through My Windows  
15. GardeninginaSandbox  52. Sandi  89. Bonnie  
16. Podso  53. Fruiting Trees  90. Schotzy  
17. Judi  54. shirley @behindthelens  91. The Tablescaper  
18. Eileen, MD  55. Oprah audition made a cute mosaic too  92. Denise@alloverroses  
19. diy Design Fanatic  56. Heather, Vermont  93. Pondside - Good Fences  
20. Riet, Holland  57. Marsha's Garden Blog  94. Becky @ Blended Hearts  
21. Ebie, CA  58. A Certain Quality of Spirit  95. Amanda @ In Olivia's Room  
22. Ingmarie We, Sweden  59. Fitty's true love  96. Portulacas  
23. Mary Ann  60. Lori E  97. Nature Trail  
24. Terri@Lakewood Manor  61. JSELEP - Fireworks!  98. Texifornia - Horsemint  
25. A Little Bit of Pink  62. Betty@My Cozy Corner  99. Janice - Serial Crafter  
26. Vee  63. karen, A Scrapbook of Inspiration  100. Mosaic Monday Bunday with BunnyKissd  
27. Queenmothermamaw  64. Carpe Diem Sweden  101. Lavender Dreams  
28. CollectInTexas Gal  65. The Gathering Place  102. Michelle  
29. Bailiwick Studio  66. Karen@ladybugcreek  103. Cathy  
30. Teacup Lane - Alaska Flowers  67. Suzy@Kitchen Bouquet  104. Roberta's Sewing Projects  
31. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  68. An Anniversary Gift  105. Katy's ferns and gesnariads  
32. Nikki Dee  69. Diana's Photos  106. Judy Sheldon-Walker  
33. Debbie @ Mountain Breaths  70. Anu@MyDreamCanvas  107. Porch Days  
34. Debbie @ Plate Addict  71. Deb  108. The Gardening Life  
35. Lavender Cottage  72. SHRECK PARTY TUTORIAL  109. berta  
36. The Charm of Home  73. Honeymoon with a rose  
37. Emerald Quilt  74. Chicago's Millennium Park @ Almota Roses  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Going Green

Don't you just LOVE green flowers? Well, maybe you don't. After all, everyone is different. But I adore green flowers! And I scored some green zinnias last week to put in the pots on my deck. In fact, now that I think of it, I posted a picture of the same green zinnias last Saturday. lol

And if I ever find my gardening bag, with the trowels in it, I'll actually plant them. lol Although at this point I'm thinking I'll just have to break down and buy a new trowel. :(


Won't you please join me for Mosaic Monday? Mr. Linky will be up by 8:30 pm Eastern time, USA Sunday. I can't wait to see your mosaics! :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

An Architect's Garden: Courtyard Dining

I wanted to show you a few more images from the beautiful garden we visited a few weeks ago. "An Architect's Garden" was open to the public as part of the Garden Conservancy's Open Days program.

This view (above) is taken from a wonderful outdoor dining area, looking back toward the house. The owners have a design business, and you can see all the architectural salvage that they have incorporated into the garden design. The outdoor dining table, which you can see just a bit of in the bottom left of this view, is a huge slab of stone resting on two massive stone plinths. It must have taken a lot of muscle (or some heavy equipment) to move it there, but it makes a beautiful table.

There are many wonderful old iron gates and fences -- again architectural salvage -- which add rust and patina to this very formal boxwood garden.

I love the beautiful silver leafed tree (willow?) in the photo above, which blends with the silvery grey of the house.

There are several beautiful stone walls here as well. This one helps to enclose the dining area. Another slab of stone serves as an outdoor buffet. And a bit of decorative ironwork adds a beautiful backdrop.

In case you missed my earlier posts about this garden and house, they can be found here and here. Next week, I still have the conservatory and pool to show you. :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm So Proud

Today my baby graduates from high school. I'm so proud of the person she has become -- smart and capable and kind. I know she will accomplish great things in college and beyond.

And I'm hoping she will forgive me for posting her photo. Or maybe if I'm lucky, she will not even see it. :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Just Couldn't Resist...

I've been trying my best to stay away from the thrift store for the past few months. After all, there are only so many dishes and pieces of china and silver gravy boats and... well, you get the idea...

But every June, my favorite thrift store has a big sale before they close for the summer.

You understand, don't you? I'm afraid I just couldn't resist this little lidded cachepot (above) for $3.

And this beautiful little gilded cup (above) for 50 cents. Yes, that's right -- 50 cents! Now I just have to figure out what I will do with them. :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Summer at Natirar

My husband and I have been taking lots of walks at our favorite park, Natirar. It has been a wonderful spring so far, and we are beginning to see the fruits of summer appearing in the hedgerows and fields. The air is sweet with the scent of honeysuckle. There are daisies in the fields, and the berries are beginning to ripen. A beautiful stand of dame's rocket blooms at the edge of the field. The nodding heads of milk weed bow down over the edge of the stream. Summer is almost here. :)

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Eileen, MD  35. Kamini @ Saffron and Silk  69. Suzy@Kitchen Bouquet  
2. Terri@Lakewood Manor  36. Kamana  70. Ingmarie We/Refugium  
3. Lenore@ A Vintage Obsession  37. Roberta's WBC II:Art Journaling  71. Our Back Porch: Peach Park Visit  
4. Vee  38. Molly [father's day]  72. Annemieke @ The Netherlands  
5. GardeninginaSandbox  39. Carol  73. suzyq - atthefarmhouse  
6. Snap @ Twisty Lane  40. Bernie from Australia  74. Betty@My Cozy Corner  
7. Bailiwick Studio  41. BettyJean @ Shabby Tea Party  75. DawnTreader, Sweden  
8. Podso  42. LeBeauPaonVictorien  76. Crafty Gardener, Canada  
9. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti  43. When Wallflowers Dance  77. MIN FOTODAGBOK SWEDEN  
10. Summer Food  44. hrg at Sacred Ruminations  78. Carol at Serendipity  
11. SullivanandMurphy~Wedding Flowers  45. Ebie, CA  79. Luna  
12. Shelia@NoteSongs  46. Shirleys World- Dad  80. Sheila@Starshine Through My Windows  
13. Lori E  47. Regina, Philippines   81. EG Wow, Canada  
14. Candy @ The Little Round Table  48. Denise  82. Lorraine @LP Vintage  
15. M is for Maga  49. A Walk in the Woods @ Olga's  83. lauie @ Bargain Hunting  
16. Lavender Cottage  50. My Evergreen Place  84. linda  
17. shirley @ behind the lens  51. Wendy@Almota Roses  85. Small Reflections  
18. Summer Flower Lovin'  52. The 3 Sisters  86. Peggy  
19. ldh  53. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  87. Ten Parenting Tips  
20. LaNa G!  54. Just Another Girl's Blog  88. Queenmothermamaw  
21. Sweet Nothings  55. glenda@serendipity cottage  89. Birthday Party!!!  
22. Cathy  56. Berta  90. Nature Trail  
23. Wandering Thought  57. alexa in nyc, usa  91. Judy Sheldon-Walker  
24. Dab of This And That  58. Shannara, Sweden  92. eye of the beholder  
25. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook  59. Ingalill (Sweden)  93. Debbie @ Honeybee Heaven & Kennedy Klan news  
26. Blessing Reflections  60. rosadimaggio63  94. Saturday Morning at the Farmers Market  
27. tales from an oc cottage  61. Red, White and Different Shades of Blue  95. Monochord  
28. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen  62. Loui♥  96. Porch Days  
29. Riet  63. Loui♥  97. Flory@ Living Creatively  
30. Both feet on the ground  64. MaryBeth  98. Connie  
31. Bella's Rose Cottage  65. Jackie in Surrey UK  99. Teacup Lane - Reflections in a Lake  
32. Doro  66. Claudia w/ Fairys  100. Meri of Meme Play  
33. Becky  67. Self Sagacity  
34. Tide Pools  68. Pondside - A Garden of Friends  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm a Blah Blogger

Sorry I've been an absent blogger this week, but I had a few things on my mind, including the fact that my daughter was driving to Massachusetts this weekend. Do you remember a few weeks ago when she drove down the shore?

Anyway, I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things next week. In the meantime, I bought a few annuals for the deck containers and would you believe I cannot find my gardening bag, with the trowels and fertilizer in it? Aaaarrrgh.


Yes, it's that time again... are you ready for Mosaic Monday? I hope you will join me. Mr. Linky will be up by 8:30 pm Eastern time, USA, Sunday. Hope to see you all then! :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Vintage Nature

I haven't done a slideshow in awhile, so I thought I would offer this one to you now -- just a few images of nature, with a vintage twist. Enjoy, and have a wonderful day, dear bloggers!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Summer Bouquet

I am late visiting all of your mosaics, late posting my own mosaic, and just... late. It's almost summer here, and as the days lengthen, I feel as though I must savor each precious moment of light... each soft color... each sweet perfume...

So forgive me, dear bloggers -- but the soft evenings call me home. :)

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Christine  36. EG Wow, Canada  71. Luna  
2. Podso  37. Gemma@Greyscale  72. Puna@LifeSignatures  
3. Molly [poppies]  38. glenda @ serendipity cottage  73. Small Reflections  
4. Lavender Cottage  39. Bumbles @ Almota Roses   74. happily retired at Wordpress  
5. GardeninginaSandbox  40. Jane AUSTRALIA  75. linda  
6. ldh  41. Denise@aolloverroses  76. Eye of the Beholder  
7. Vee  42. Lori E  77. DawnTreader, Sweden  
8. { oc cottage }  43. Claudia@DipityRoad  78. Cherry's in the garden & more  
9. A Garden of Threads  44. Queenmothermamaw  79. Joyce@ Flour Power Joyce  
10. Eileen, Md  45. Teacup Lane - Dawson Creek, BC  80. Flag Day  
11. Rett @ The Gazebo House  46. Daily Living- Regina, Philippines  81. Flag Day Celebration  
12. Riet, Holland  47. Kamini @ Saffron and Silk  82. Judy Sheldon-Walker  
13. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen  48. Doro  83. Bonnie  
14. Candy @ The Little Round Table  49. Maggie Bleu*Our Back Porch  84. Sherrie  
15. I'm a little sad  50. Bernie from Australia  85. Jenn, Philippines  
16. Ebie, CA  51. Cass at That Old House  86. Mary Lou, VA  
17. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti  52. g.suzie  87. Vonda-Following Splendor  
18. Snap @ Twisty Lane  53. Shannara, Sweden  88. Heather T {Vermont}  
19. Shirleys World  54. MaryBeth Wa.  89. Ooops there she goes again...  
20. Debbie @ Mountain Breaths  55. Sarah -Hyacinths for the Soul  90. Betty @ My Cozy Corner  
21. Susan@thoughtsfromovertherainbow  56. Nature Trail  91. rache  
22. Terri@Lakewood Manor  57. Sweet Nothings  92. Sunday Breakfast @ Color Chic  
23. Dab of This and That  58. Fetch Photos ~ Miss Kodee  93. Vera  
24. The 3 Sisters  59. rosadimaggio63 - Italy  94. AnnA, Sweden  
25. Natasha  60. Ingalill  95. Americana By Candlelight  
26. Graduation Party  61. Anu@MyDreamCanvas  96. Chinatown in Toronto  
27. Becky  62. Annette @ kuntrycharms  97. Lyrebird Images  
28. Debbie @ Plate Addict  63. Carpe Diem Sweden  98. Iowa Gardening Woman  
29. Karen, A Scrapbook of Inspiration  64. Jackie in Surrey UK  99. Barb - Baby Alpaca  
30. Monumental Mosaic  65. MIN FOTODAGBOK SWEDEN  100. Porch Days  
31. Bobbi @ The Bead Goes On  66. shelle @ dancing matilda  101. Loui♥  
32. Relatively Unique  67. Pondside - a June Sail  102. Melody @ Fresh Go Vintage  
33. Debbie  68. Carol at Serendipity  103. Sheila@Starshine Through My Windows  
34. shirley behind the lens  69. Teresa @ The Cottage on the Corner  104. Milla  
35. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  70. Wandering Thought  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Just Noodling

Good morning, everyone! How are you today? It's quiet here this morning -- the kids are still abed and my husband ran into the office for awhile... so I'm noodling around in Photoshop and "wasting" time.

It's only partly sunny here this morning, and very humid. I'm thinking we will be getting some thunderstorms later this afternoon. The photo above was taken earlier in the month, and I just played with it a little bit to add the sun flares. This is what I do with my free time. Some of you knit, some of you quilt, some of you paint... I play with my camera and Photoshop. :)

Have a wonderful weekend, dear bloggers! I hope you all have some time to just noodle around. ;)


Won't you please join me for Mosaic Monday this week? I always love to see what you've been up to, and what beautiful images you have to share! The new linky thingy will be up by 8:30 pm Eastern Time USA, Sunday night. Hope to see you then! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

An Architect's Garden: Interiors

As promised, here are some interior shots from "An Architect's Garden," which we visited last weekend. We were surprised to learn that the house was open, and a little hesitant to walk into someone else's home. At first I felt strange about taking pictures, but I soon got over that. :)

I wish I could describe for you the feeling of walking into this home... the soaring ceilings, the faded leather chairs, the pieces of architectural salvage, the mirrors and prints leaning casually against a wall, the huge dried flowers arrangements... it was almost like stumbling upon a barn filled with a cache of antiques and faded flowers. Strange and wonderful and totally unique.

There were two fireplaces at either end of this great room, which had a dining table at one end (shown in the first photo) and a living area at the other end (shown above). As you can see the entire room was a treasure trove of architectural salvage and faded antiques. We later learned that the owners have a design business, and many of the pieces in the house are for sale.

Another view of the living room (above) shows the owner's wonderful collection of architectural salvage, including columns, statues, and light fixtures (bottom left of the photo above).

The garden is ever present and easily viewed from within the home because of the many windows and french doors.

The room above is a hallway that runs the width of the house, separating the great room from the kitchen. Sadly, I did not get any photos of the kitchen, but I think you can see some on the owner's design website. I'll give you a link at the end of this post.

Here is another view of the great room. I think it gives you a better idea of all the diverse treasures so casually displayed.

OK, I know some of you are going to say "hay in a garden urn as a side table?!" Perhaps not the most practical of design ideas, but somehow it just seemed perfect here... Now do you see what I meant when I said "strange and wonderful?"

I've still got some more of the garden and conservatory to show you next week. In the meantime, here is the owner's design website, Tendenze Design.

I'm linking this post to Cindy's Show & Tell Friday. Thanks so much, Cindy, for being such a gracious hostess. :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

An Architect's Garden

Welcome to An Architect's Garden, in Pottersville, NJ. This is the second of two gardens we visited over the weekend, as part of The Garden Conservancy's Open Days program.

This stunning house and garden are part of an ongoing project begun in 1992. The owners bought an eighteenth-century dairy farm on 35 acres and turned it's four barns into a uniquely beautiful home filled with architectural salvage and antiques, and surrounded by several wonderful courtyard gardens in the European style.

Don't you love the glimpse of the interior given here (above)? I was surprised to learn that the tour included the interior of the home. I'll be showing you that later in the week. Suffice it to say that it is stunning. :)

The west side of the house overlooks this fountain and water feature. The owners belong to the American Boxwood Society, and the garden features many different types of boxwood which give it a beautiful architectural quality.

Through the two open french doors of the house (above) is a great room that runs almost the entire length of the ground floor, with two gorgeous fireplaces at either end.

Yes, that is just a tease to get you to visit later in the week. lol

The steps up to the thyme garden (above) are beautiful with big clumps of hellebore on either side.

Salvaged architectural pieces are scattered throughout the house and garden, punctuating the ends of allees and leaning casually against the walls.

This is a view of the thyme garden looking toward the gravel courtyard outside the kitchen. Don't you love this beautiful olive jar (above)?

I love the mixture of formal French boxwood garden and exuberant English plantings. Just look at those huge decorative leaves in the thyme garden (above).

I'll share more of the garden and the house later in the week. In the meantime here is a link to the owner's website, Tendenze Design.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Pondside

On Saturday, my husband and I visited two gardens that were open to the public as a part of the Garden Conservancy's Open Days program. This beautiful garden, called Pondside, was set on the banks of a small river. As the name suggests, there was a small pond on the property, as well as a beautiful terrace garden, a potager, and a lovely poolside pergola.

There were some wonderfully whimsical garden ornaments, in addition to the more classic garden statuary. The potager included roses, catmint and sweet peas, along with lettuces, tomatoes and asparagus. All surrounded, of course, by a very high deer fence. :)

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Gardening in a Sandbox  36. Kamini @ Saffron and Silk  71. rosadimaggio63  
2. Carol  37. Riet ,Holland  72. Hélène @ d'Encre et de Couleurs (FRANCE)  
3. Pat@BPM  38. Laurie @ Nana's House  73. Betty @ My Cozy Corner  
4. Alicia @ Titere con Bonete  39. Nature Trail  74. DawnTreader, Sweden  
5. Kim at Savvysoutherstyle  40. Strawberries in Garden  75. Becky K @ Hospitality Lane  
6. Lavender Cottage  41. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  76. Wandering Thought  
7. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen  42. EG Wow, Canada  77. Luna  
8. Kathy A Delightsome Life  43. ldh  78. Blessing Reflections  
9. Eileen, MD  44. Christine  79. debbiedoos  
10. Ebie, CA  45. Paula Grace ~ Color Palettes  80. Terri  
11. Roses by Grace  46. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti  81. Memorial Marshmallows  
12. ellen b  47. M is for Maga  82. MaryBeth Wa. USA  
13. A Garden of Threads  48. Ever Changing Sky  83. A Delightsome Hydrangea Love  
14. Debbie @ Plate Addict  49. alexa in nyc, usa  84. Susan @ Savoring Time  
15. Relatively Unique  50. glenda@serendipitycotta  85. Joyce@ Flour Power Joyce  
16. HOORAY FOR SPRAY MOSAIC  51. Millie  86. Serial Crafter  
17. Sheila  52. City Rose Garden @ Olga's  87. linda  
18. BailiwickStudio  53. Molly [Christmas Valley]  88. g.suzie  
19. Candy @ The Little Round Table  54. Bernie from Australia  89. Lorrie  
20. Shelia@Note Songs  55. Quilt Show  90. Wendy@Almota Roses  
21. Carol @ There's Always theym to Cook  56. Claudia with the Storm  91. Nancy's Notes  
22. Traci  57. Denise@alloverroses  92. shirley@ behind the lens  
23. Queenmothermamaw  58. Ingmarie We, Sweden  93. Nancy's Notes  
24. Tam @ The Gypsy's Corner  59. Anu@MyDreamCanvasGiveaway  94. The World Expo  
25. Vee@A Haven for Vee  60. Lyrebird Images  95. Doro  
26. Heather T  61. Gabriella from London  96. Meet Virginia  
27. CollectInTexas Gal..Sue  62. Pondside - Lushness of June  97. Bobbi @ The Bead Goes On  
28. diy Design Fanatic  63. Jackie in UK  98. Peggy  
29. Shirleys World  64. Suzy@Kitchen Bouquet  99. Connie Sheppard  
30. Podso  65. Annette@kuntrycharms  100. Teacup Lane - Purple Haze  
31. hrg at Sacred Ruminations  66. MIN FOTODAGBOK SWEDEN  101. Schotzy @Wings of Eagles  
32. Becky  67. REGINA, Philippines  102. Nicole  
33. Karen, A Scrapbook of Inspiration  68. Maggie B @ Normandy Life  103. Melody @ Fresh Go Vintage  
34. Meri of Playing Along  69. suzyq - atthefarmhouse  104. Shannara, Sweden  
35. Feathering An Empty Nest  70. The 3 Sisters  

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