Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Purple Fields

This is the nature trail that opened last fall at our favorite park, Natirar. It's fun to see the change of seasons here, from the beautiful autumn colors, to the snow-lined paths, to the parade of blooms that come with summer. A few weeks ago, the field was lined with ribbons of purple thistle flowers. And the purple blooms were alive with the drone of bees, and dozens of butterflies.

It's been stinking hot here in New Jersey for the past week or so. Yes I know, hot weather in summer is not exactly news, but somehow I think the mild and rainy spring lulled me into a false sense of security. I just am not prepared for the 90+ degree days, and the awful humidity. ;)

How's the weather been in your neck of the woods?

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Kathy-Delightsome Life  38. When Wallflowers Dance  75. Shannara, Sweden  
2. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen  39. Carolyn Aiken House and Gardens  76. MaryBeth Wa. USA  
3. ellen b  40. The Gathering Place  77. Jackie's blog  
4. Carol  41. M is for Maga  78. Helena  
5. EG Wow, Canada  42. Shelia@NoteSongs  79. DailyLiving - Regina, Philippines  
6. Dab of This and That  43. Horticulture Hottie  80. DawnTreader, Sweden  
7. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook  44. bj @Sweet Nothings  81. Carol at Serendipity  
8. Lenore@ A Vintage Obsession  45. glenda@serendipitycottage  82. Blessing Reflections  
9. Pat@Back Porch Musings  46. Kamini @ Saffron and Silk  83. Wandering Thought  
10. ldh  47. Small Reflections  84. Reach Beyond Limits  
11. Snap @ Twisty Lane  48. happily retired at WordPress  85. Becky K - Blueberry Patch  
12. Feathering An Empty Nest  49. Sacred Ruminations  86. FRESH PICKS @ BRAMBLEBERRY COTTAGE  
13. Meri of Playing Along  50. One Small Candle  87. linda  
14. Pat - Mille Fiori Favoriti  51. Doro  88. Sheila@Starshine Through My Windows  
15. GardeninginaSandbox  52. Sandi  89. Bonnie  
16. Podso  53. Fruiting Trees  90. Schotzy  
17. Judi  54. shirley @behindthelens  91. The Tablescaper  
18. Eileen, MD  55. Oprah audition made a cute mosaic too  92. Denise@alloverroses  
19. diy Design Fanatic  56. Heather, Vermont  93. Pondside - Good Fences  
20. Riet, Holland  57. Marsha's Garden Blog  94. Becky @ Blended Hearts  
21. Ebie, CA  58. A Certain Quality of Spirit  95. Amanda @ In Olivia's Room  
22. Ingmarie We, Sweden  59. Fitty's true love  96. Portulacas  
23. Mary Ann  60. Lori E  97. Nature Trail  
24. Terri@Lakewood Manor  61. JSELEP - Fireworks!  98. Texifornia - Horsemint  
25. A Little Bit of Pink  62. Betty@My Cozy Corner  99. Janice - Serial Crafter  
26. Vee  63. karen, A Scrapbook of Inspiration  100. Mosaic Monday Bunday with BunnyKissd  
27. Queenmothermamaw  64. Carpe Diem Sweden  101. Lavender Dreams  
28. CollectInTexas Gal  65. The Gathering Place  102. Michelle  
29. Bailiwick Studio  66. Karen@ladybugcreek  103. Cathy  
30. Teacup Lane - Alaska Flowers  67. Suzy@Kitchen Bouquet  104. Roberta's Sewing Projects  
31. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  68. An Anniversary Gift  105. Katy's ferns and gesnariads  
32. Nikki Dee  69. Diana's Photos  106. Judy Sheldon-Walker  
33. Debbie @ Mountain Breaths  70. Anu@MyDreamCanvas  107. Porch Days  
34. Debbie @ Plate Addict  71. Deb  108. The Gardening Life  
35. Lavender Cottage  72. SHRECK PARTY TUTORIAL  109. berta  
36. The Charm of Home  73. Honeymoon with a rose  
37. Emerald Quilt  74. Chicago's Millennium Park @ Almota Roses  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I know, Mary, southern NJ hasn't been any better. Relief is coming on Wednesday! Pretty purple fields!

  2. Love the field of purple. The Thistle looks pretty closeup and your mosaic photos are lovely. It has been hot and humid here in Maryland and we keep missing the rain. Have a great week and thanks for hosting.

  3. Beautiful Mary. your photography just gets better and better and it was amazing to begin with!.

  4. Beautiful shots! Welcome to my weather and what I'll look forward to until late October!

  5. The thistles are lovely. They seem early this year...or is that my imagination?

  6. Hi Mary,
    Ignore my e-mail. It's working.
    Thanks for hosting, stay cool! Great pictures!

  7. Beautiful, Mary, the purple fields are gorgeous! and it's been stinkin hot here on Long Island, too! Not a fan of heat, I never once complained when we got snow! Not once :)

  8. Sorry to hear your weather is "stinkin hot",'s mild and cool here in San Diego...which is usual for this time of year.
    Your lavendar mosaic is lovely and looks more like spring than like "stinkin hot"

  9. We just love our walking paths especially when there is something pretty to look at...your path with the thistles is lovely!

  10. Hi Mary
    Your nature area is beautiful. I spied the bee in the largest photo. Happy MM!
    ♥ Pat

  11. Gorgeous photos! It's been HOT here, too. I would love to take another trip out to So Cal where it is the mid 70's!

  12. Nature's beauty at its best! Love those purple thistle!

    Yes, its hot here too and can't complain much about the weather, just the electric bills.

    Have a great week!

  13. Lovely muted images...purple thistle. Must remember that. It's been a bit muggy, but not as hot as you've had it in NJ. Hope that it moderates for you all. That's much too warm with the humidity included.

  14. The Thistle in Texas has been beautiful this year, and so much fun to photograph. It's just a thrill to get a macro shot with all the blurred background and the surprise of bees that you didn't see through the lens. Your mosaic is gorgeous and if I didn't know it was covered with stickers, I'd be tempted to run through that field.

  15. Oh, it's hot here too! But we don't have the humidity, so it's probably a little more tolerable. I love your new nature trail! ::Jill

  16. Hi Mary!

    Beautiful photos! and Your mosaic is just wonderful!

  17. Oh, Mary! I think this is my favorite mosaic yet...just breathtaking! Your photos are wonderful! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  18. We both had fields on our minds this week Mary. :-) Thistles are a pretty plant and you captured them in their glory.
    We seem to be having rain every second or third day here, just like last summer.

  19. Hi Mary,
    Beautiful photos as usual! Our weather here would be perfect for you- low 70's and no humidity and a good mix of sun and showers.
    Thank you for hosting,


  20. We have had a mixed bag of weather here in Upstate New York, and today is one of the most humid days we have had.

    Beautiful photos and mosaic!

  21. It's funny but the same day I took all the hosta photos I also took a bunch of thistle photos that I was going to make into a mosaic. I'm glad I went with the hosta now that I see yours. Yours are lovely. Did you make that using BigHugeLabs?

  22. Very nice mosaic, Mary.

    It is so stinkin hot out here in West Texas, we nearly pass out if we have to go outside!! No fun UNLESS....we are lucky enuf to go to the lake!! :))

  23. Summertime at it's most beautiful...
    Gorgeous glimpses of hot summer days.

  24. Gorgeous mosaic Mary! I love purple...after orange its my fav color! The weather is lovely here where I live in India....after a "stinkin" summer it has finally cooled off and I am loving it! Have a great week!

  25. Lovely purple blossoms in your beautiful photos and marvelous mosaic ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,

  26. Hi Mary thanks for hosting your wonderful party as always. I did make a cute little mosaic to go along with a video audition for the Oprah show....I hope you do not mind that I linked it up...I want as many people to see it...and if they like it and like the idea, they can vote for me. Thanks Mary.

  27. Beautiful, Mary. The weather in Vermont has been humid, some wet days and others dry...predictably unpredictable :)

  28. Those fields are simply gorgeous!

  29. Early mornings and evenings in the garden are the only way to deal with the heat this summer... Thanks for hosting!

  30. How beautiful. What a lovely place to walk and enjoy the bliss.

  31. beautiful wildflower fields. just beautiful.

  32. Mary,
    Your mosaic's are beautiful. It reminds me of the field's in the beginning of Little House on the Prairie (dating myself)!
    We are "enjoying" that same hot and humid weather here in Pa, too!

  33. Your purple mosaic is so pretty. I love the flowers that are around this time of year.
    I put two links on your mosaic Monday. I had one ready last week and forgot to connect it.

  34. What a gorgeous place to be able to walk through. I think that's amazing this is part of a public park. I can just imagine how alive with life it must be...all of those bees!!!

  35. I haven't made a mosaic for a while, today I did!

    Click here to visit my post.

  36. We are just now starting to warm up after a very cool spring for our area. All of our trees, flowers and gardens are way behind in their growth but it is suppose to be near 100 on my day off so I am sure I will be missing those cooler days. Thanks for you wonderful pposts.

  37. Mary, such beautiful fields. I'm sorry you are having hot and humid weather. I am thankful that it finally got up to 80 degrees here in WA state!

  38. Morning Mary

    Lovely mosaics as usual, thank you for hosting MM. It has been pretty hot and stuffy here in the UK all week, which is good for the tennis at Wimbledon as all the matches have been played!!! The evenings are lovely in the garden when it is a bit cooler.

    Have a good week, Jackie in UK.

  39. beautiful shots and the fields looks so vast!

  40. Beautiful as always Mary
    Happy summertime and MM.

    " Regina "

  41. Our summer has been fine but on the cool side so far but they say it will be getting hotter in the next few days. I have some refreshing drops of water for you in my mosaic today...

  42. Beautiful purple thistle! This plant grow wild in my yard.

  43. My Mother-in-law used to make gorgeous bouquets with thistle flowers. She doesn't have as much access to them these days. Your photos are lovely.

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  44. Our fields at the cottage are full of beauty from that same kind of purple wildflower. Thanks for sharing your beautiful mosaic, Mary. It's always a pleasure.

    Try to stay cool!

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  45. Purple fields are lovely. And thistle flowers are so sweet.
    Great mosaic.

  46. It's been hot and humid here in the mid west, but relief will be here tomorrow. Which means you'll see it in a couple of days - just hang in there!
    Love the mosaic - purple is a great color!

  47. It's still cool and damp up here in the Pacific North West.
    Beautiful purple in your mosaic!

  48. We have those thistles in our yard too...just not so many. Love how you captured the bee on one in the corner!

  49. It has been HOT out here too. It was 104 degrees on the weekend and will be about that today too. Our humidity has been low though at about 12%. Nice mosaic too. Purple and green give a sense of coolness. :0)

  50. Gorgeous mosaic as usual and briliant photography! Take care Anu

  51. Ahh.. Mary a lovely peacefull place to linger and enjoy and feel a close companionship with Nature!
    Do you get around to view all that participate?
    Thank you for hosting MM! anna
    P.S.Why the X beside my entry??
    email me ghoganatsympaticodotca

  52. Pretty - nice closeups. When I try closeups, it is sorta hit and miss. I may take 10 pics. and one is ok.
    Thanks for hosting again this week.
    Have a great week.

  53. Love the thistles, we have some just coming out. I'm holding back my MIL who wants to cut them down before they flower but I've told her to leave them till I get some photos!

  54. Beautiful photos! I'm so happy to be taking part first time! I have always enjoyed your blog! Happy Monday! ♥

  55. No matter how often you roam your favourtie place you will always find something new and exciting. I think you did that in your mosiac.

  56. Once again, your photos are amazing!
    It's terribly hot and humid in Chicago too...and it looks like we're setting records as far as the rain goes!
    Thank goodness for air conditioning : )

  57. Just beautiful! Love those purple cone flowers!

  58. love the bee on the bud! jkj

  59. Isn't' the thistle a lovely flower? Lovely pictures!!! Cathy

  60. Here in Raleigh, NC we have been having 90+ degree weather for two months now...we actually never had a Spring! Didn't get much rain keeps bouncing all around us so my plants are hurting...but we got some tomatoes this week, so I'm happy with that ;) Have a wonderful week and thanks for hosting Mosaic Monday, fondly, Roberta

  61. I love the wild flowers. I noticed you research them also. I love looking into herbal remedies.

    Thanks for hosting such a wonderful theme.

  62. Here in NC it has been hot, hot, hot! We have had temperatures in the upper ninties for well over two weeks. We have even hit 100 degrees a couple of days. Way too hot for June. Carla

  63. Here in Edmonton, Canada, it has been quite warm, 25 Celsius average, with showers in the evening and overnight. Somtimes thunderstorms have put on a nice show this past week. I am so glad it hasn't been as humid as New Jersey or Mississippi. I think I would just faint.

    Your photography is gorgeous!

  64. Mary! Better late than NEVER!! Such a busy day - first chance I've had to drop by! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fields - they look painted rather than photographed!!! So cool!

  65. This is so pretty. I really have to learn to make one so I can join in too.

  66. Your photos are so beautiful, they always bring a feeling of overall calm! Thank you!

  67. I found my way to In a Soft Light and from there to Shadowhouse Creations and mentioned it all in a post.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!