Sunday, May 6, 2012

Mosaic Monday: Lilac Time

It's lilac time here in New Jersey, and their sweet perfume is everywhere!  In fact, as my husband and I go on our daily walks, the air is thick with several different scents -- lilac, sweet olive, honeysuckle and lily of the valley.

I love May!

I'm trying out a new mosaic template today.  You will have to tell me how you like it.  For those of you who use Photoshop, this template and others like it are available from EW Couture.  You can find them here.  (Just a note:  this is merely a link because I like the product.  I am not connected in any way with EW Couture, and I'm not being remunerated for this link.)

Also for Photoshoppers, I used an action called Waiting on these photos.  I think it was part of a giveaway from Wish Photography.  You can find their Facebook page here.

I'm still having problems with my hand, so I have been an absent blogger for the entire week.  :(  I'm hoping that some more rest will help.  In the meantime, I'm enjoying the beautiful month of May!

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.

That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Mary Howell Cromer  22. Take a Breath (My Little Home & Garden)  43. Sweetwater Style-Garden Blues  
2. Eileen  23. Wandering Thought  44. Karen, A Scrapbook of Inspiration  
3. Home is Where the Boat Is  24. A Garden of Threads  45. The Cottage Wren  
4. Lavender Dreams  25. It's Planting Time  46. Aktuella bilder, Sweden  
5. Supermoon  26. Pondside - Sixty-one Years Ago  47. Tina´s PicStory  
6. Riet, Holland  27. Olde Rose Artistry  48. The French Hutch  
7. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook  28. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti  49. Monkey Business  
8. Rajesh, India  29. Meri  50. Puna@LifeSignatures  
9. away for the weekend  30. Lorrie  51. Inspired and pretty  
10. InaSandbox  31. Bernie in Australia  52. Black Flowers Unknown  
11. ellen b  32. Teresa  53. Rosewalk Cottage  
12. Podso  33. Pronto Pizzeria  54. Yael at Home Garden Diggers  
13. Sunday In the Country  34. Teacup-In-The-Garden  55. Anneli  
14. QMM  35. Baby bunnyt shower  56. Bertil, Sweden  
15. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen  36. PrairieJill  57. Driving the Parkway  
16. Snap @ Twisty Lane  37. Sunflowers and Special Friends!  58. Nature Trail  
17. Shirley LeMay - Flight Above FL  38. Sweet Nothings  59. Crabapple Blooms  
18. Mary Lou  39. Carved in Stone  60. Sall's Country Life  
19. Gillyweed... Before & After  40. little roses  61. Ciao Italia  
20. Mary Lou Rutledge  41. Ingmarie We/Refugium  62. Lynn - One I Made Earlier Today  
21. Vee  42. Macaroon madness  63. Brenda  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Mary, I love your pretty lilac photos. Their scent is heavenly. Beautiful photos and mosaic. Thanks for hosting, have a wonderful week!

  2. Gorgeous lilacs~ I can practically smell them from here and I love your template!

  3. I love your lilac photos - aren't they heavenly. They are only just emerging here in our neck of the woods. I do like the new mosaic, although it is busier than the old simple style.

    By the way, you don't have a title for your post and it makes it hard to link back to your specific post. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  4. It's so very pretty...but are we seeing the whole mosaic? I love your beautiful mosaic! Happy May!

  5. Beautiful shots! Lilacs are one of my favorites. Mine are almost gone, yours are just stunning. Have a great week!

  6. Beautiful flowers, love the color.

  7. Oh how I love lilacs and I do like this mosaic template with your lilacs.
    Hope your hand will get better soon!

  8. I love lilacs, can almost catch their sweet perfume through your photos. Your new collage program looks quite nice!

  9. Mary, Lilacs are the one flower that can leave me weak in the knees! I love their fragrance and their colors. I look forward to their blooms every year.
    ♥, Susan

  10. So glad your lilacs are at their peak. Ours are long gone. I do wish your hand was coming along better for you. That is an ok template but Mary what you put up is always inspiring and beautiful.

  11. I love lilacs and can't grow them here. I'll have to enjoy yours! Hope the hand is much better soon. Thanks, as always, for hosting!

  12. Oh I wish I could grow these down here in Georgia!! I can almost smell them through your wonderful photos!!

  13. Lilac flowers are so pretty and smell so good! I love to grow one around my house one day!

  14. You're giving me a sniff of what I can look forward to later this spring. I do love lilacs and your mosaic is lovely, Mary.

  15. Sorry to find that your hand is still not feeling so great. Rest is the best thing...hope that you're getting lots of help at home, too. Funny how the entire Eastern seaboard is almost in the same weather zone this year. Our lilacs are blooming as well. Hope that you haven't had all the rain that we have had further north, though. Enjoy those walks!

  16. Your lilac mosaic is so pretty - beautiful flowers! I did not have anything to contribute this week - out of town family here, but wanted to say "thanks bunches" for hosting again this week.
    Have a great week.

  17. Mary,
    I've been missing you, dear friend! Was excited to see your post on my blog alert!!! Lovely photography and like the new look! Take care of yourself, dear one. What a perfect time to rest in the beauty of the Season!

  18. Mary, yet another beautiful mosaic! And leave it to you to find such a special and unique collage website to add to the magic. I'm so thrilled we managed to get a small portion of lilacs to finally bloom after all the frost damage. Tomorrow I planned on bringing a bouquet inside to enjoy! Enjoy all of the wonderful scents happening in your neighborhood, consider it as "scent-therapy" and maybe that hand will get to feeling better!!!

  19. I love the scent of lilacs, Mary, and your mosaic of them is beautiful! I'm sorry to hear your hand is still hurting you--hope it feels better soon!

  20. Beautiful mauve shade of lilacs. Ours should start blooming within the next week or so and I can hardly wait for their heady scent.

  21. Oh, how I love lilac!
    Have a wonderful week,

  22. I love lilacs, too! And that's a great template.

  23. I can really smell those lilacs! And your photos are beautiful. Thank you so much for continuing to host this party. I've learned so much from creating collages.
    Have a great week!!
    Ladybug Creek

  24. Lilac time is the best time..... Lovely mosaic.

  25. Stunning photos - and I love your mosaic template - it works so well.

  26. Everything about your mosaic is perfect. Lilacs are my favorite flower in Spring. The aroma of Lilacs is always so lovely. I hope that your hands are better soon. Spring is especially difficult for pain in joints.


  27. Lilacs sure are wonderful, beautiful to look at and and the scent is lovely. Beautiful mosaic as always.

  28. Hi Mary, Sorry your hand is still giving you problems. Hope you're up to speed soon. I love your new template. The photographs are stunning of the lilacs so of course the template would be. I think the design you are using is very appealing and catches the eye Thanks for the photo info and web sites.
    Thanks for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  29. Lovely pics of lilacs - I can almost smell them - mine here in Ohio didn't bloom as well this year. Thanks for sharing.

  30. The lilacs are beautiful. We usually get to enjoy them around Mother's Day too, but our very mild winter/early spring means the lilacs have long gone.

  31. I love lilacs but I can't grow them here. beautiful mosaic.

  32. your lilac is sooo beautiful! great mosaic :)

  33. Your lilacs are gorgeous...My lilacs have but one flower on them this year and I am not sure what is wrong but I suspect they are not getting enough sun...time to move them?

    I like the old photo style framing around the photos but otherwise I'm not sure what is different from your past mosaics. Unfortunately my computer cuts off the right side:(

  34. Ahhh the scent of lilacs my favorite Spring flowers! Love the look of this mosaic! Thanks for sharing the link. Wishing you an Happy Mothers Day this weekend!

  35. such beautiful lilac blossoms, ours have not quite opened yet, I do love they're fragrance, such a lovely template and presentation, beautiful:)

  36. Mary, very lovely Lilac blossoms. I love it when they are in their bloom time,as one walks around the neighborhood, the fragrance, just lifts one's spirit~

  37. Beautiful lilacs!! I just love the smell of them, ours are not out yet. Thanks for hosting, Laura

  38. Mary, I cannot seem to post on your blog. I've tried a couple of times and it won't let me so here goes a third time. I hope it works.
    But of course I like your mosaic. I love everything you do! I need to go back over your posts to see all that I have missed.
    And yes, May is a lovely month. It's getting warmer and warmer out here in California..but I love it.
    Everything is growning blooming and that's always wonderful.

  39. Oh, I do like your collage very much! And those lilacs are scrumptious! Wish we could grow them like that here in the South...right now we have our gardenias and magnolias blooming which are almost as decadent!


  40. I love the texture you used for your photos. Sure makes them POP! I bet the fragrance is AWESOME! I wish I had Photoshop...
    I hope your hands gets better soon. Enjoy the beautiful spring that May brings.

  41. Oh, Mary! How did I miss these beauties from Monday? And I love this pretty template!

  42. Raninculas are beautiful -- I hope there will be some still in Oregon when we get back (I think they're yet another Spring flower that doesn't bloom in hot Florida). I hope your wrist and hands get better (carpal tunnel?) is very kind of you to continue hosting this meme and posting your beautiful pictures when you're not quite yourself. Take care -- rest!

  43. Oops not sure my comment got to you -- maybe it went to trash.....just saying thanks for all you do --

  44. Hello Mary - i have been away - spending more time in real life than blogging but now I hope to have the opportunity to visit again. do hope that you are feeling better soon. Happy mother's Day a little late


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!