Sunday, October 28, 2012

Mosaic Monday: Waiting For the Storm

By now you will have heard that here on the east coast of the United States, we are waiting for the storm of the century, or "Frankenstorm," or whatever clever moniker the TV weathermen think up.  At any rate, I'm not sure how many of us will have power over the next few days, and I'm feeling the need to nest...  Thus, my offering today -- books and roses, which are my go-to comfort items.  :)

For those of you who use Photoshop or any other photo-editing program that works with layers, these images were edited with textures from Jessica Drossin, found here, Faded Glory Vintage Actions by Jude, found here. and Victorian Papers by Sarah Gardner, similar found here.

For those of you in the path of the storm, stay safe.  For those of you watching from afar, please send us a few prayers or some good vibes.  We will probably need them.  :)

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.

That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Beautiful comfort items! Hope you stay safe and Sandy fizzles and doesn't pack much of a punch. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Mary, your roses are beautiful. I do hope you stay safe from the storm Sandy. Take care, Eileen

  3. Thanks for hosting! And, stay safe in the storm. Sally

  4. Your photos are so pretty - thanks for sharing.
    Sure hope Sandy fizzles out before landfall. :( Stay safe!!
    Thanks for hosting again this week with some many other things going on in your part of the country.

  5. Love the roses and they are very cozy feeling. We're west of Phila and have everything ready!

    Stay safe Mary!

  6. We're praying for everyone in that part of the country. I sure hope the storm diminishes and doesn't do damage. Take care, my friend! Sweet hugs, Diane

  7. Beautiful roses Mary!

    Stay safe!

  8. Your photos are lovely, amazing what layering can produce.
    I hope you will be safe, we in southern Ontario can expect the leftovers - still plenty of rain and wind I'm sure.

  9. Hi Mary,

    These are gorgeous photos and mosaics! I do love the roses.

    I hope all will be well with you and all the folks in your area. I'm hoping the storm will head back out to sea before it does too much damage. Thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday and take care.

    Denise at Forest Manor

  10. Hi Mary
    I love your vintage images and beautiful white roses!
    We are as prepared as possible to weather the hurricane -- hope not to flood or lose power. Stay safe and sound!

  11. Gorgeous combination of photos and roses!

  12. Beautiful images, and I hope you stay safe!


  13. You will be in my thoughts and prayers Mary!

  14. Stay safe, Mary. We're hunkering down for some heavy rain and winds here in SW Ontario too.

  15. I love the old photographs Mary. I'm praying for those in the storm's path in the US and Canada, including here in New Brunswick. Blessings to you. Pamela

  16. Such beautiful roses, so creamy against the dark background. I hope you will stay safe in the face of the hurricane. Prayers for all of you.

  17. Lovely layers...roses and books have got to be more healthful comforts than chocolate and potato chips. Stay safe down there.

  18. I love the roses with the old photos! Great mosaics. Thank you for hosting and stay safe in the storm!

  19. Hi Mary!

    Such pretty roses. I do hope that you are not in the immediate path of the storm. Stay safe.

    Thanks for hosting.
    xoxo Bunny Jean

  20. Be safe! Thinking of you and everyone in Sandy's path. Thank you for hosting the meme, as always, but especially in this weather. You mosaic is beautiful ... and yes, comforting.

  21. Hi Mary! I haven't joined in on a Mosaic Monday in ages! I'm glad to see you are still doing them. Your photos are so beautiful! Works of Art!

    I hope that you weather the storm safely. Please let us know and you will be in my prayers. Stay Safe!

  22. Dear Mary
    I'm enchanted with your wonderful old photographs - are the from the time of The First World War, I would dearly love to know more about them!
    That is a lovely cream rose and such a perfect bud. I've got several Iceberg roses but I would love the name of your cream one.

    Mary thank you for hosting Mosaic Monday.
    Please stay safe, we are hearing lots about the storm you're expected - even where I am far away in New Zealand.
    Shane ♥

    1. Hi Shane, The roses were from the supermarket -- long-stemmed ones -- so I'm afraid I don't know their name. They were actually more white than they appear here. The texture and PS actions add a faded color to the images. As for the photographs, they are from Sarah Gardner's Art Blog. They do appear to be from WWI and before. Thanks for your concern. The worst should hit in about 6-8 hours from now. I think we'll be OK, although we will probably lose power for a few days... xoxo, Mary

  23. Mary,

    They roses are lovely. My thoughts are with you and all those in Sandy's pathway. Stay safe and dry.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  24. Your post is lovely. Please stay safe this week. We have family and friends back there (some who have evacuated) and we are praying for all of you.


  25. Suggestive images
    A prayer for your country.

  26. What a serene post...Roses and enchanting vintage photos!
    Lots of prayers coming you way as you wait out the storm.
    Blessings and safety,
    Carolynn xo
    Thank you for hosting this lovely party each week...I love stopping by and joining in.

  27. Stay safe in your nest, Mary... Beautiful post today.

  28. Beautiful photos....while I am not directly on the coast I am in PA and the winds and flood watches etc are due today at some point. A few years back we had major flooding in our area from a hurricane that hit Florida so I take the flood watches seriously...alot of creeks in our area ( or cricks as pronounced here :) God Bless and Take Care to you and to all of us in the east...

  29. Prayers for safety are with you.....

  30. Lovely post and welcome as I too wait for the storm of the century. My son in Santa Fe says, "Come to Santa Fe, we dont get hurricanes here." Hmmmm.....might consider that after all is done!

  31. Keep safe. Watching the news of the storm constantly.

    Thank you for hosting.


  32. Beautiful roses remind me of my sister down in FL...she loves them! Wind picking up here lost power once already!...:)JP

  33. I love your combination of flowers and old photos, so beautiful. Thanks for hosting again this week, Laura

  34. Love this post! Praying that you are all safe!

  35. We are feeling the wind here in central Ky and praying for everyone on the coast. Blessings

  36. Hi Mary, keep yourself safe. Thanks for hosting today.

  37. Thank you very mutch for the opportunity!!!I love your rhotos and I hope the Storm will pass!! Stay safe!!

  38. These are just stunning!

    Stay safe!

  39. So lovely, so delicate. I have been lifting all of you up and I pray that you and your loved ones fared well. God bless~

  40. Mary,
    Be safe, dear friend! Prayers coming your way.

  41. Hoping you are safe, warm and well! Keeping you in prayer. Thx for hosting.

  42. Oh, Mary, I pray you're safe. I'm sending my prayers. Looking forward to hearing from you to see how you and your family are! You still are such a wonderful photographer.
    Shelia :)

  43. I am so sorry to know you are going through all of this!

    I am so thanksful you are SAFE, though. Keeping you all in my prayers!

    Thank you for hosting, esp with no power, what dedication! You are appreciated very much!

    Take care and God bless you!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!