Sunday, August 18, 2013

Mosaic Monday: End of Summer

After a tumultuous summer, weather-wise, it's beginning to feel just the tiniest bit like fall.  We've had high temperatures and monsoons (or at least lots of rain).  But now, the mornings are cool.  Soon, my beloved mist will appear as we go out for our morning walks.  And the fields will be a riot of yellow goldenrod.   It's beginning already.  I love the change of seasons!  :)

Please note:  I will not be able to host Mosaic Monday for the next two weeks.  We will resume on Monday, September 9th.  Enjoy the end of summer!  xoxo

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.
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Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mosaic Monday: Under the Bridge at Natirar

We were lucky enough to get a long walk at our favorite park, Natirar, yesterday.  I took a lot of photos, but here are just a few -- taken at a spot where you can walk down under the bridge and explore the river.  A lot of people walk their dogs at Natirar, and they have worn a path down through the underbrush to get to the river's edge.  I always love looking up at the span of the bridge -- it's such a graceful sweep.  It's fun to poke around in the rocks and sand, too.  As you can see, we discovered two very tiny shells -- from fresh water clams?  I have no idea, but they came home with us to join the acorns and nuts and leaves that adorn my kitchen window.  We also found a bone.  It reminded us immediately of that scene from the movie The 'Burbs -- the one where the dog digs up a femur in the neighbor's back yard.
   "Do you know what this is, Ray?"
   "It's a bone."
   "It's a femur."
   "It's a femur bone..."
Have you seen that movie?  It's hysterical.  Do rent it if you get a chance.  So funny!

We've had such beautiful weather this weekend.  Probably to make up for the past week when it was ungodly humid, when it wasn't pouring...  Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  I will be away at the end of the month, so no Mosaic Monday on August 25th.  The following weekend is Labor Day here in the states, so I'm not sure if we will do it then either.  I'll let you know next week for sure.
Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

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Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mosaic Monday: Moody Blues

I've been busy in the house and garden this week, doing some long-neglected chores and overseeing some decorating changes.  All good things, but I find that it is almost time to publish this week's Mosaic Monday, and I've got nothing.

Nada.  Zip.  Zilch.

So here is a very-last-minute mosaic, made up of some images lying around my hard drive...  :)  The beach photos are from Wildwood, New Jersey -- where the beaches are a half-mile wide.  The peony is from my garden, and came from a plant that belonged to my mother.  The tea cup is Japanese export, and also belonged to my mom.

I love choosing images that match in color or mood.  I think that they each gain something from being displayed together...  the sum is made up of more than the parts...

We picked up a few red leaves on our walk this morning...  can you believe that autumn is on its way?  I'm so not ready for it yet.  Are you?

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

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