I've been tagged by Kathy, of
Kathy's Cottage, to play the "Five Things I Love" meme. You can probably guess most of them, because I tend to write about the same things over and over again. But here goes:
1. Photography. I LOVE taking pictures. Right now I seem to be focusing on flowers, like the peony above, but I have been known to photograph everything from funghi to shadows. I'm hoping to be able to sell photo notecards. More on that to come soon.
2. Nature. I love being outdoors, walking the trails at the park, pictured above, and enjoying the trees and grass and stream. I really love the mountains -- the Adirondacks or the Green Mountains of Vermont -- but I would also love to see the desert and the Great Plains someday.
3. Flowers. I love gardens, although mine is a sorry specimen this year, and I also love wildflowers. When I was little, the fields around our Little Red House were filled with daisies and black-eyed susans and queen anne's lace, and I would pick armloads of flowers to bring in the house and arrange.
4. Dishes. Well, you already knew that, didn't you? Some of my favorites are milk glass and transferware, pictured above. I have way too many dishes, but still they call out to me. And thrifted dishes are the BEST!
5. Reading. This is my favorite reading spot. I feel unsettled if I don't have something to read. Anything from cookbooks and decorating books, to poetry (Yeats and Gerard Manley Hopkins are favorites) to mysteries (Dick Francis and Janet Evanovich) to trashy romance novels.
Well, there you have it. I'm not going to pass this on to anyone in particular, but if you have not played and would like to, feel free to pick it up.
I will be taking a break from blogging for the remainder of this week, and through next week. We are going down the shore, and I'm not sure if I will have internet access. I'll be back posting here on July 28th. I have prepared autoposts for my photography blog:
In a Soft Light. If you have a chance, please stop by there and enjoy the pictures.
See you later, alligator!