In all the rush leading up to Christmas, I almost forgot to show you these. I won another drawing recently, this one from Abbie, of Whimsy of a Staggering Artist. Two beautiful icicle tree ornaments, made from vintage buttons -- aren't they great?

They arrived beautifully wrapped in a piece of old sheet music, tied with a festive red ribbon and adorned with a glittering snowflake and a darling gift tag. So pretty!

If you don't know Abbie, please take a minute to visit her beautiful blog -- you'll be so glad you did. And dear Abbie, thank you so much; I love my new icicles!
BTW, does anyone else have that wonderful upper respiratory virus that's going around? My daughter got it on Christmas Eve, and now I've got it. It's one of those post nasal drippy things -- my nose is perfectly clear, but it feels like there's a wad of phlegm the size of a golf ball in my throat. MITIN? Sorry.
Here's me going to bed at night: Long underwear top, fleece pj's and hiking socks because I'm always cold, eye-cover mask thingy because the tiniest bit of light wakes me up and I can't get back to sleep, and a big box of tissues next to the bed. Every ten minutes, throw off the covers (hot flash!) sit up, grab a tissue, hoick-ptooie. My husband is a saint.