Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm Crying "Uncle"

OK, let me say this right up front -- I've had enough snow. Yes, it is pretty. Once or twice. But when you get at least one storm per week, every week, it starts to get old.

Here's how you tell when you've had enough snow:
  1. When your snow shovels have a permanent place by the back door.
  2. When there is an open bag of salt next to the steps.
  3. When your Christmas decorations are still up one month after Christmas, because you are too busy shoveling snow.
  4. When you keep firewood next to the door, in case of power failures.
  5. When the snow is creeping slowly toward the door!

My daughter and I shoveled about five inches from the driveway on Wednesday, so that we could get her out to the train to go back to school.

This is what it looked like on Thursday morning, at the foot of the porch stairs. Eighteen inches. My husband, my son and I shoveled for nearly two hours to clear the driveway.

So yes, I've had enough snow. Please alert the media.


Thank you so much for your sweet birthday wishes! My daughter came home to surprise me, and my son skipped his class so that we could all have dinner as a family.
It was one of the nicest birthdays ever. :)


  1. This year we didnt saw a lot of snow... and it is o.k. Winter isnt for me he, he... Take care- Ag from Greece

  2. Sooo beautiful. We miss the snow so much. I know, lots of folks don't agree with us. (o:

    I enjoy your Blog very much. Have a wonderful weekend.


  3. We don't get much snow here in central Scotland, but I know it doesn't take long to get fed up with the stuff! Love your blog.

  4. Hey, in the last picture it looks like you've had Bigfoot visiting! LOL
    We've had a very long winter here in Sweden too. I am so glad to live in a rented apartment (not having to shovel snow!)...

  5. Ditto from the MA - NH line! Enough already! I just posted some pics also, check 'em out when you have a moment!


  6. I hear you! Enough is enough. We are in the same state you are - salt has spilled all over the porch, shovels seem like a permanent part of my body.

    It's depressing.

  7. When it snows like that in other parts of the US, I am happy we live in the South. In the steamy summer though, that's a different story... Hope springs comes soon for you! :) Silke

  8. Oh, my. Yes, I do believe you've had enough!

  9. Oh, goodness, Mary...good thing you're not a Vermont gal :) - it's this time of the year that we're cringing at the snow falling...but it can keep packing us in until April. Once, even in May, we had a whopper one foot of snow fall on us, but it melted very quickly.

  10. Amen sister, we're right there with you thinking toooo much snow!!! It was wonderful for the holidays, but enough already.
    Hang in there,

  11. OK, since you have to shovel your snow I'll have mercy on you. I am loving all the snow here in Ohio. My husband has a very nice "man-toy" snowblower so I feel it needs to earn its keep! 1 more month so it's not time to get frustrated yet. We'll talk in March, LOL.

  12. Hi Mary, I am with you. I have had enough of snow and winter. I wish for an early spring. Have a great weekend and hopefully no more snow.

  13. We have had snow every week also, but not as much as you. I'm with you! I have had enough and am running away to a warm sunny beach somewhere! We have shovels in the front, salt bag on the porch, firewood on the porch and "yellow" snow from the dogs!! ENOUGH!!

  14. Don't worry — you are not alone. I drive 20 miles to and from work 5 days a week. I was sick of snow after the first storm. It really no longer holds any charm for me. So, don't feel bad about being annoyed with it.

    Our shovel lives by the front door...

  15. Oh I so remember that when I lived in the NW. So glad we don't have any here. Hopefully it will end soon. Hugs, Marty

  16. Hi Mary... I don't envy you and the white stuff. I lived in Colorado for 10 years and moved there from Southern Cali. Yes, the first time it snowed I was thrilled... then I had to shovel the stuff... then the snow plow came by and undid what I had just done. I was so happy to move to Arizona! I love it here! But hey... Just think of what a beautiful Spring you are going to have!

  17. This is how it looks at our house most winters....but it seems to have missed us completely. Colorado is pretty dry.
    And your backporch is decorated like ours usually is...shovels, etc.
    Ok, I am sending wishes for the snow to taper off so you can catch your breath and take down the christmas stuff that is buried in the snow!
    Thinking of you!

  18. Oh you poor thing! I better not complain about our thick fog least I don't have to shovel it.
    I hope it ends for you soon.

  19. Hugs to you and your family.
    I could not handle it. We use to live up north and while the snow is pretty at first, after a while it's yucky. I don't miss the shoveling one bit.

  20. According to your chart, yep... I think I've had enough snow! :p

  21. We are having an unseasonable nice day today. I wish I could send you a piece of it.

  22. Bless your heart! You have had a lot of snow. Just remember...spring is right around the corner! Carla

  23. yay for wonderful birthdays!!! they are the very best.

    hope the snow stops soon

  24. Happy Birthday! Yikes that is alot of snow. And I thought we had a snowy year so far in Montana. You win!....LOL Kit

  25. Okay, Mary. Consider it done. I'll alert the media. No more snow for you guys and no more snow for us.Okay? Hope someone listens to me. Sincerely, Susan

  26. I just stopped by from Aiken House & Garden and I can't believe how much snow you have ~ wow ~ Here my little snow fall doesn't seem like much ~ stay warm ~ ;-)
    PS I'm your newest follower!

  27. Wow, that is a lot of snow. I hope you get a break very soon. I truly wish I could send you some of our sunshine; seriously, not being mean or anything.

  28. Snow in pictures is enchanting; snow on the porch is not. We haven't gotten much this winter for which I'm very thankful. Hope yours goes away soon.

  29. Is there a group formed somewhere that we can all get together and whine about how much snow we have and that we do no want anymore, I will join. Alright I have had enough!!!! I hope mother nature heard you because it is a long way til spring.

  30. You do have quite a bit of snow. In case you desire to feel better by comparison, come on over to my blog based in Edmonton, Alberta and see our version of winter. The Gardening Life Hoping neither us get much more of the pretty white stuff!

  31. I am with you in the snow thing! lol
    I came over to see your Friday flaunt post...but can't find anything about Fertilizer Friday/Flaunt your flowers anywhere! the linky must be wrong...but then I can't find it at all!
    I hope you had a great week

  32. So glad I'm not the only one who is snowbound in NJ. Yikes! If I see one more snowflake I think I'm gonna cry!


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