Do you ever have one of those days when you can't think straight? When thoughts just seem to flit in and out of your head like seeds scattered to the wind? That is how I feel today.
Yesterday was beautiful and sunny -- a real treat. Today, it's dreary, dreary, dreary -- raining since before dawn. I know that the rain will bring with it a green and beautiful spring, but I still miss the sun. And I can't seem to focus on getting anything done.
Oh, I've got the usual chores to do. I'll be doing laundry (my favorite chore) and vacuuming (my least favorite chore). But instead of taking a walk in the sunshine this morning to drink in the sights of the unfolding seasons, I will spend some time straightening up my desktops -- digital and analog -- and wandering through my photo archives.
Do you write letters anymore? Or keep a journal -- a handwritten one? Those were my thoughts when I came across this photo I took recently. I make my own photo notecards (note to self: put a few in my etsy shop) and I wondered if anyone still cares about penmanship... I went to a Catholic school, where good penmanship was expected of every student. If the nuns could see my writing now, I'm afraid they would be very disappointed. :)

And so, this is my rainy day -- tea and chores and disjointed thoughts. I don't know if I've ever told you this, but I'm a bit of a cable news junkie. I check in throughout the day to keep up with what is going on in the world. Lately, the news from Japan has been so very sad. My thoughts and prayers are with all those people, who just seem to face one tragedy after another. Do you think that there is some sort of, oh... force (for want of a better word) that binds us all together? So that when so many souls halfway across the world are bleeding, we feel their pain?
Just another rainy day thought... Japan, I hold you in my heart today.