Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mosaic Monday: Happy Mother's Day

These ranunculus are actually from a few weeks back.  My aching hand has been seriously curtailing both photo editing and blogging.  As I type now, it's reminding me to not overdo it.  This whole thing is getting extremely boring!  I think I may hove to break down and see the doctor (something I really don't like doing...).  :(

So if you don't mind, I'm just going to leave you with these Mother's Day wishes --  may you have a beautiful day, filled with warmth and laughter, and surrounded by those you love best!  xoxo

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.

That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. inasandbox  21. ellen b  41. Jackie's life in Surrey, UK.  
2. Kentucky Browns Birthday Brunch  22. A Garden of Threads  42. Tina´s PicStory  
3. He Reads My Blog @ My Place to Yours  23. tangerine and turquoise  43. Ingmarie We/Refugium  
4. Mary Howell Cromer  24. Mother's Day Tribute @ My Cozy Corner  44. Diana @ velvet moth studio  
5. Home is Where the Boat Is  25. Judy  45. Rosewalk Cottage  
6. Rajesh, India  26. Brooke - Creative Country Mom  46. Sall's Country Life  
7. Pat@BPM  27. BailiwickStudio  47. Coasting Along  
8. Snap @ Twisty Lane  28. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook  48. SPRING IN BLOOM  
9. Eileen  29. Crafty Gardener, Canada  49. Aktuella bilder, Sweden  
10. Riet, Holland  30. Vee  50. Edwards Granddaughter  
11. Rajesh, India  31. Karen, A Scrapbook of Inspiration  51. Mini Mum  
12. Lavender Cottage  32. QMM  52. LeAnne  
13. Dab of This and That  33. playingwithmycamera  53. The Cottage Wren  
14. Mary Lou  34. bj@Sweet Nothings  54. lines & bridges  
15. Gillyweed... Chalkboard Font  35. Behind the Gate  55. Patricia  
16. Mary Lou  36. Sallie (FullTime-Life)  56. Lynn Holland  
17. Sweet Nothings  37. Teacup-In-The-Garden  57. Lynn- one I made earlier today  
18. Lavender Dreams  38. Pondside - Mother's Day  58. Lynn - One I Made Earlier Today  
19. Wandering Thought  39. Lorrie  59. Aktuella bilder, Sweden  
20. Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson  40. PrairieJill  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Your ranunculus photos are dreamy! Sorry about your hand, Happy Mother's Day!

  2. I love ranunculus are gorgeous. Wish I could grow them.

    Happy Mother's day, Mary!

  3. I love ranunculus and these are gorgeous. Don't put off taking care of your hand!!!!

  4. Lovely blooms, Mary! Happy Mother's Day!

  5. Hi Mary
    Who could tire of these golden drops of sunshine? Hope you can get to the bottom of the problem with your hand.

  6. Thanks for sharing your renunculus -I looked for some this year, but no one seemed to be carrying them.
    Hope you find the problem with your hand and it gets better.
    Thanks for hosting again this week.

  7. Beautiful, Mary...
    Please delete No. 11. I don't know why I can't seem to get it right!!! No. 13 is the good one.
    Mary Lou

  8. These are gorgeous yellow flowers, Mary! Happy Mother's Day..

  9. Beautiful. I am so sorry your hand is still giving you so much trouble. I hope you do see the doctor and he will have some good ideas for relief!

  10. I hurt my elbow last summer while in Scotland and waited so long I barely have any strength left. Please visit the doctor and do wait as long as I did. Hope you had a blessed Mother's Day.

  11. So very pretty. I hope your hand feels better.

  12. Sorry your hand is still giving you trouble, I do hope you get some relief. Wishing you a happy Mother's Day. Such pretty flowers.

  13. You need to see the doctor, Mary. They'll probably order an x-ray and you can go from there. Lately, my right hand has been bothering me too and it's kind of scaring me because I use it in my job, and for photo editing. I can't lift the things I can with my left hand. Afraid it's arthritis. Good luck!
    These are scrumptious images here. Thank you for sharing them, despite having to use your hand.

  14. Happy Mother's Day to you too! I hope your hand heals soon - you can't go too long without taking photos and editing them! ::Jill

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Well, my friend, I do not mean to nag, but I think it would be wise to call the doctor in the morning. You've been very patient. Thank you for the sweet Mother's Day greetings; I hope that you had a lovely Mother's Day as well.

  17. Happy Mother's Day, Mary. I'm so sorry your hand is still giving you problems. Please do check it out before it gets worse.

  18. Mary, Your flowers are gorgeous.

    I hope that you had a lovely Mother's Day. I am sorry that your hand is still giving you pain.


  19. These flowers are beautiful. I have never heard this name before. Maybe we call them something else. So sorry the hand is still bothering you.

  20. ok, got the right link, now. Pls. just delete No. 14. Thank you and I'm very sorry....remember....I'm olden. :)

  21. Mary, you are as bad as my husband! Don't make me have to get after you to go to the Dr. too?? Your mosaic is beautiful please don't feel guilty for such beauty! Get some pro. advice on that hand, your fans want you to feel good!!
    Have a good week,dear!! Thanks for hosting M.M., it's my favorite meme!!

  22. Mary, I'm so sorry to read that your hand is causing you such trouble. Your ranunculus are lovely - one of my favourite spring flowers. Happy Mother's Day to you, and wishes for healing for your hand,

  23. These flowers are so cute!
    Have a wonderful week,

  24. Lovely Mother's Day card. Hope your hand will be better soon.

  25. Hi Mary!
    Your photos are always so lovely. i hope your hand feels better soon. I've been there. Have a beautiful week.

  26. Wow. This is my first visit here. It is all so lovely. It feels so calm and soothing here. Thank you for this gift.

  27. Mary go see the doctor. We want to see you back good as new. Love the rununculus. Sp pretty. Valerie

  28. such gorgeous colours and light, really lovely, hope you get your hand sorted out soon, it sounds so painful!

  29. So very beautiful, ranunculus are amazing flowers.
    Mary, I have rheumatoid arthritis, the illness started 12 years ago when I was 36 years old. I urge you to see a rheumatologist, not just a general doctor, ask to see a rheumatologist. Maybe you don't have RA, but one of the biggest symptom of RA is pain in the fingers and hand, especially if you have it both sides. They have many drugs available and these drugs give me a quality of life I wouldn't have if I wouldn't take them. Even if it's not RA, don't endure the pain, you are maybe putting your fingers at risk of developing more problems if you are not treated. I know we don't like to take drugs but sometimes it's the only way to have a better quality of life. Please take this advice from someone who lives with RA and know how you feel : Go see a rheumatologist.
    Good luck !

  30. Mary, the Ranunculus flowers are new to me, I have never heard of them before and your images of those are terrific. I would imagine that they would look really neat dried as well. I do hope that you can get some good medical advice for your Arthritis. Arthur came to visit my knees 2 years ago, and he is not fun. Have a lovely week and if you get a chance stop by, I would love a visit~

  31. Hello Mary, I am so sorry but I mucked up my listing. Can you remove the top two please as they will not work. SORRY SORRY SORRY
    Lynn :(

  32. I am sorry to hear about your hand, Mary, but I certainly understand...I have had to curtail a lot of my computer use because of shoulder pain...Our bodies are telling us when enough is enough!:) I am glad to see that you hand pain doesn't stop you from taking gorgeous pictures:)


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!