Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday's Inspiration: Bread

I thought about doing this prompt without my "our daily bread" dish, but in the end, I just could not do it.  I found this dish in a local antiques shop a few years ago.  It is apparently from the 1880's, and it's crackled glaze shows every one of those years.  The opposite side of the dish says "give us this day."  As soon as I spied it in the shop, I knew it had to come home with me, if only for the photo prop value.  ;)  Oh, and the little hand-painted bird dish is one of a pair I found at my favorite thrift store.

I don't eat bread these days.  Or pasta, or cake, cookies, muffins, etc.  I'm pretty much gluten-free.  And sugar-free as well.  Last January, I came across the Wheat Belly blog, and decided to give it a try.  It's been great for me.  I don't replace wheat with gluten-free products.  Instead, I eat more vegetables and fruits.  I've lost around 30lbs. and I just feel so much better.  The surprising part is that I used to LOVE bread and pasta.  I honestly don't crave them anymore.  This year, my husband decided to go semi-gluten-free.  He's still eating the occasional piece of rye bread.  (I'm hoping to wean him of that completely.  Don't tell him I said so.)  ;)


I've been loving your interpretations of the word prompts so far.  It's so much fun to see all the different ways a single word can be celebrated.  Here are the word prompts for the remainder of April:

April 11:  sky
April 18:  blue
April 25:  tree


  1. Hi Mary
    I'm impressed with the weight loss from your food changes. I remember years ago, a friend that competes in triathlons, marathons and you name it, told me to stop eating wheat and sugar and see how much better I feel.
    I'll definitely check out the recommended blog and see what's involved.

  2. Mary,
    I applaud you for going without all the wheat products!!! Perhaps in time, but for now...I still have my fair share of daily bread!!!
    Your bread dish is an amazing find, dear friend!
    Thank you for hosting Thursday's Inspirations each week!!!

  3. I love your bread dish and I used to have a wooden one (that said bread) but I gave it to my daughter. Thank you for the info. I've been on that diet for a few weeks now but I'm still eating whole grain bread. Thank you for hosting.

  4. Congratulations on feeling better without wheat. I eat far less bread than I used to, but I still enjoy a piece once in awhile. Pasta I never eat.
    Love that bread dish. What a find!
    Thanks again for hosting Thursday Inspiration, Mary.

  5. I LOVE the bread dish, and that is, indeed, my prayer every morning. "Give me this day, my daily bread."

  6. I am so hungry looking at all of these bread loaves!

  7. Sorry we've eaten the bread but I've left you some nice homemade biscuits
    Lynn x

  8. Yum...

    I picked up a daily bread dish at the mission store right before thanksgiving! :)

  9. Lovely bread dish! (and bird dish). I don't eat much bread either but would love to! Especially artisan or home made. Thanks again for hosting!

  10. Wow, Mary! I'd heard you whisper that you were gluten free (and, then, at the new year, there was the 'bread and water - without the bread' diet. Remember? =) ) I'm so glad that that's working so well for you!! THIRTY pounds! Congratulations!! That must feel so much better! I'm so happy for you!

    In a funny coincidence, I baked the gluten free brioche from my favorite cookbook! You know the one...;) and I thought of how perfect it is for the prompt but... sorry! I'm going to have to miss a few prompts, here. The month is just getting too hairy! eep!

    So! Beautiful image! =) and, now, I see a beautiful flower in the next post and am going to go see. =)


  11. Great find on the bread dish and pretty bird plate. Congratulations on losing the 30 lbs.

  12. Love this post. I had so hoped to link up today but found myself drawing a blank. I'll be here next week, though, as I'm a sky fanatic.

  13. Wonderful post!
    Have an nice weekend!

  14. I have read lots of comments lately about going wheat free. I just don't have the courage to try it. I am the person who has tried almost every diet on the face of the earth at one time or another. Valerie

  15. Gorgeous photo and I do love that bread plate too!
    May have to go find one of those for my ironstone collection.
    Great idea! I have not heard of that diet but will
    go check out the link. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I love the beautiful photo of the bread...and I love bread better than dessert but I don't eat as much as I used to. I lost about 25 pounds a few years ago and now I maintain my weight by eating healthier. I eat bread as a treat now and not often. I am completely sugar free and have been for a few years. I eat lots of fruit, veggies and lean meat and even dairy products. I feel so much better now and have lots of energy. It's not easy to takes the right decisions made each and every day. I'm proud of you! Sweet hugs!

  17. Thank you for sharing. I am not much of a baker but I will have to try this. Have you ever tried any Bavarian Breads? I just had the wheat free bread and it is scrumptious. Would you care to share any GF or WF premade breads you enjoyed? Cause like I said, I am no baker.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!