Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mosaic Monday: More Bunny

How are you all, dear bloggers? It's been a crazy hot week here in New Jersey, and even hotter in the midwest and south.  I hope everyone has been staying as cool as possible.  I have some more photos from designer Bunny Williams' garden this week.  Here is the vegetable garden, the greenhouse and the working barn.  I love the potting table in the greenhouse -- what a great work station!  And those cactuses?  Cacti?  Succulents?  Aren't they beautiful?  And now that I think of it, perhaps cactus is a fitting subject for this scorcher or a week...  :)

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.

That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

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  1. Mary, I would love to have a wonderful veggie garden like Bunny's. And I love the cute rooster statue. Wonderful photos from your garden tour. Thanks for sharing, have a great week!

  2. I wish my vegetable garden looked that good. I can;t keep up with the weeds. Lovely photos. Valerie

  3. Whatever those white balls are in with the cacti/succulents really look like little fluffy-bottomed chicks with their little feet sticking out...yellow flowers, I believe. I've not seen that variety before.

    I'm looking very closely to see what she's using as material on her paths through the garden...pea gravel perhaps and straw?

    Hope that it's cooler for you all by tomorrow. Perhaps you'll have a chance to turn of the AC as well.

  4. These are beautiful shots, Mary, and I love that green house and garden! Looks like a piece of haven!

  5. Loved seeing these pics - thanks for sharing your rip to Bunny's gardens.
    I did not get a mosaic ready this time - hope to next week.
    Thanks for hosting again.

  6. Mary ... I don't think I'll ever get tired of seeing Bunny's place! Thank you! :D

  7. Hi Mary, It has been very warm here as well, going to be little cooler for a couple of days. I will send some cool weather your way. Lovely shots of the cactus. Have a wonderful week:)

  8. Wonderful pictures as always! So very tranquil! Would love to sit and knit in the garden! Have a wonderful week! Cathy

  9. This is wonderful Mary! I love Bunny Williams.

  10. WOW! Now that's gardening!!!!

    Thank you for hosting!

  11. Such beautiful photos! I'd love to sit and read in the garden with a cat or two purring nearby! Wishing you a very nice week. Mildred

  12. I can't imagine having all those grounds and a green house like this at my fingertips, Mary! i also love the potting bench.

  13. It's such a treat to get a glimpse of her beautiful garden! Happy Monday!

  14. Oh, to have your talent with photography! The potting bench pic is my favorite, but they're all fabulous. I hope you have a delightful week!

  15. Mary,
    The Heat Is On...could be the theme song here on the Prairie! We could truly use some cooler temps combined with some rain. These gardens are lovely! Gives me hope that there is light at the end of this tunnel...

  16. Love this trip through Bunny's garden. I used to garden even as hot as it is now but no more. Got to young and spry for that. But I so loved it. Thanks for this relaxing tour.

  17. I am enjoying these visit's to Bunny's beautiful property and gardens. Thanks for hosting Mary.

  18. What a beautiful vegetable garden. And that potting bench caught my eye, too.

  19. The vegetable garden is wonderful. I wish I had more room for vegetables. Laying out the structure of new beds this fall. The potting bench and greenhouse are to be envied.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  20. I love the workingtable!
    Have a wonderful week,

  21. Some lovely blogs here that I've seen. Happy to join you.

  22. Thanks for hosting. What a fabulous garden and out buildings. I even love the fence~

  23. I love that potting bench too - such a sturdy and good-looking piece.
    We have summer now - after a long, cool and damp spring that lasted just too long!

  24. Oh my, thats my kind of greenhouse. I could keep myself busy in their all day long.

    Paul XO

  25. What a lovely garden. So much work goes into taking care of that. It's got to be a real labor of love.

  26. Oh what a lovely garden and that potting bench is a dream! I am back after a long time and thank you so much for having me over, Mary. I have linked both my blogs today!


    1. Hi Veronica! So nice to have you back!!! xoxo

  27. I just love, love, love everything you share from her house - it's so inspirational!!! and, it's so funny that, as Tom and I are talking about what we want to do around our home, I'm thinking secretly, "I want it just like Bunny Williams' home!" Big LOL!!! =D

    Mary, your style of photography creates beautifully atmospheric - wonderfully earthy - just gorgeous feelings to the scenes. It's a great match - her vignettes and your photogrpahy! ..... I'm thinking she ought to see these, somehow! I'm sure she'd appreciate it! =]

    but, her veg patch make my two little raised beds look like a 2 inch pot! (laughing again!) Who eats all of that, anyway? =P

    Mary, usually I keep my sound turned off because I'm on the computer while others are sleeping. Today, I had it turned up (as happens, sometimes) and heard the beginning strains of the song and realized.... I sang that song at a wedding on Saturday! Oh, heavens - how I made it through without bursting for joy or crying is beyond me but Tom said that the groom wept openly all the way through it. =/ THEY picked the song.... I just sang it! ;)

    Love to you and your family! Is everyone home for the summer? I still hope that you're having peaceful days (in spite of the heat and everything).... weather-wise, we've had beautiful day after beautiful day after beautiful day - barely breaking into the nineties - we need a horrible and rainy day very badly, though. Mary, I ran the well dry for the second time, this season! gack! =( But it is BEAUTIFUL! =] So - out to the garden I go!!!

    So, I was saying... love to all of you! =]

    Katy xxo

    1. Thank you so much, Katy! You are so kind! I'll bet that you sounded wonderful, and that your performance made their special day all the more special! xoxo

  28. I love that sitting area and the potting bench. Everything about Bunny's gardens looks amazing thanks for sharing them with us, Laura

  29. I love the beautiful green house. A very lovely work station! Bunny Williams is just FABULOUS!! Your photography is amazing and I love seeing all that you have to share. Mosaic Mondays are my favorite day. Who said Mondays are bad...

    1. Thank you, dear Brenda. You are so kind! xoxo

  30. What a beautiful garden. Loved the visit! I am havin' a picnic today over at my blog.

  31. What a lovely vegetable garden and the greenhouse,wow!

  32. Oh, what a peaceful and lovely place. Beautiful photos.

    This is my first time linking up to Mosaic Monday. Thank you for the opportunity, and happy Monday to you!

    1. Hi Lisa, and welcome!!! Happy Monday to you, too. xoxo

  33. Dear Mary!
    Such a lovely garden filled with inspiration!
    Happy Monday to you, and have a nice week!
    best wishes,

  34. What a wonderful garden you have shown us today. It will certainly be my gold standard in the future as I continue to work in my tiny patch of heaven.

  35. That opening image with those round back chairs, how charming and yes, I like the little garden shed working table too. We have just completed 10 days with nine 3 digit temps, 2 tying records and the others were record breakers. This morning is delightful!!! Have a lovely week~

  36. As always, such fabulous garden inspiration! Thanks,

  37. Thanks for the tips, I did not know how to make a mosaic, now I am off to try. Already have a flickr acct! Check out my blog when you get a chance, I make cards take photos, too!

  38. Hi Mary!

    I would LOVE to have a garden and barn like Bunny's. Thanks for sharing these lovely pictures and for hosting this fun party!

    xoxo Bunny Jean

  39. Oh it is that delightful vegetable garden that I lust for! If I had the room and the labor I would have one just like it! Gorgeous photos Mary!

  40. Those gardens are amazing!

  41. Wonderful looking garden. The Cacti and Succulents are such interesting plants.


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