Sunday, August 1, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Vintage Summer

Just some vintage summer images for you today -- some from our favorite park, one from a nearby pond, and some from our backyard. This has been a record-breaking summer, with temperatures well above normal for way too long. Hopefully, the heat will begin to break soon and August will be cooler.

I'm honestly at wit's end trying to think of things to post lately -- not sure if it's the heat or blogger's burnout or both -- and I'm thinking of taking a week off to recharge the batteries. So, there will be no Mosaic Monday on August 9th, and I will only be posting sporadically for the next two weeks. Maybe that will give me some time to gather material and come up with some interesting posts. :) In the meantime...

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)optonline.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Snap @ Twisty Lane  35. Cindy @ Applestone Cottage  69. Crawling among the Mushrooms - Francisca  
2. GardeninginaSandbox  36. Di @ The Blue Ridge Gal  70. Crafty Gardener, Canada  
3. Podso  37. Aprons and a Clothesline  71. Nicole  
4. {oc cottage}  38. Diana's Photo  72. Carol atSerendipity  
5. Eileen, MD  39. Debbie @ Plate Addict  73. Blessing Reflections  
6. Bouquet with a smile  40. Heather, Vermont  74. Wandering Thought  
7. A Garden of Threads  41. Crystal Cove State Beach  75. Beverly@How Sweet The Sound  
8. Vee~A Haven for Vee  42. Maura @ Lilac Lane Cottage  76. Rosey @ Dung Hoe gardening  
9. Susan@Simple Pleasures, Simple Pleasures  43. Christine  77. DawnTreader, Sweden  
10. Cathy  44. Cafe Chatelaine  78. Southern Living Idea House Kitchen  
11. Bernie from Australia  45. Floral Teacup and Blue Rose Doily  79. linda  
12. Rajesh, India  46. A New England Life  80. Flowerbed  
13. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti  47. Claudia, DipityRoad, Vegas  81. Sue-Someone's Mom  
14. Pat@Back Porch Musings  48. LadyNoor  82. eye of the beholder  
15. Lavender Cottage  49. Muhammad Khabbab@Garden Geek  83. Project Bag  
16. Puna@LifeSignatures  50. Teacup Lane   84. Summer Flowers  
17. Lenore@ A Vintage Obsession  51. Regina@ DailyLiving  85. Lisa @ Corner of Carolina  
18. Happier Than A Pig In Mud  52. Becky K.  86. Diann@The Thrifty Groove  
19. M is for Maga  53. sweet nothings  87. Aimee @ ...aka darzy...  
20. Becky  54. Ladyhightower's Meme Castle  88. Deb Tea and Photos~ Georgian Bay Canada  
21. Sheila@Starshine Through My Windows  55. Self Sagacity  89. Marsha's Garden  
22. Alicia @ Titere con Bonete  56. Kamana  90. Carolyn @ Aiken House & Gardens  
23. Daylily, QMM  57. New Calf @ Almota Roses  91. Bunches of Fun!  
24. Shelia@NoteSongs   58. Maggie B  92. Gunsside, Norway  
25. Candy @ The Little Round Table  59. Jackie in UK  93. SW Mementos-Clean Up  
26. Riet, Holland  60. Loui♥  94. Connie  
27. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook  61. MaryBeth~Stanwood Wa  95. Hyacinths For the Soul  
28. Just another girl's blog  62. Shannara, Sweden  96. PatioPatch  
29. Jane AUSTRALIA  63. Suzy@Kitchen Bouquet   97. Porch Days  
30. MARTHA'S VINEYARD COLLAGE  64. Pondside - A Vice Regal Tea  98. Marsha's Garden Blog  
31. Tam @ The Gypsy's Corner  65. Milla  99. Rookie Photographer  
32. Karen, A Scrapbook of Inspiration  66. suzyq - atthefarmhouse  100. Fiona Designs  
33. Genie @ Buttons for Baga  67. Kim  101. Fed Ex and the Birds  
34. Karen@LadybugCreek  68. QCI  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. I scratched my head several times trying to come up with a mosaic for today. Nothing is blooming in the garden because of the heat. It's too hot to get out and take photos of *interesting* things. It's just too hot to do much of anything, including think! Taking a break sounds good to me! Enjoy yours!

  2. Hi Mary: I feel as you do. I am running out of fresh material. I will be away on vacation so I am happy I will not miss a Mosiac Monday. Hope we all will feel more rested after this. Love your last of the summer photos.

  3. Oh everybody needs a break now and then...hope that you have a wonderful time away.

    These mosaics are lovely...the mists and the vapors and the filtered light. Yup, that's why we call you the master!

  4. Mary, Wonderful mosaics of the summer. Some days the words flow very slowly. Enjoy your rest. Take care.

  5. Mary, enjoy your time away. Your mosaics are lovely and the geese in the fog is beautiful.

  6. Loved both your mosaics ... despite the fact you feel like you're running out of topics, I think you've chosen terrific topics for both of today's work. Love the meadow shots and that lovely shot of the mist-covered lake.

  7. Hi Mary. I love your mosaics today. Very beautiful and so peaceful. Thank you so much for posting them.

    I hope your break from blogging for the next couple of weeks gives you the needed break and recharge that you need.It's good to take time off from things every once in a while. It's nice to be able to do something totally different and take a deep breath and relax.

    Take good care and we'll see you when you get back.

  8. Everyone needs a rest now and then to rejuvenate so enjoy some time to yourself Mary.
    Your photos remind me of the description 'lazy, hazy days of summer'. :-)

  9. I understand Mary. This has been such a hot and humid summer that I have been going out a lot less than usual and I don't feel like cooking. I have to admit I've been doing more book reading than usual which has been nice. Enjoy your little break!
    ♥ Pat

  10. Don't stay away too long! I enjoy your blog, and someday when I work out how to do a mosaic, I will post on Mosaic Monday!

  11. oops, wrong url on my comment.:-)

    Also meant to add, this is the only post I will do until Friday. Taking a break, too.

  12. Enjoy your break Mary. I know how you feel. Sometimes you just have to take time off and regroup. Glad I was able to join up for this last one though. I enjoyed your pictures, very relaxing.

  13. Summer is moving on and a new season will soon be upon us. Fall is my favorite season. My daughters and I have always love the fall arts and crafts show, the brisk air and the beautiful color.

  14. You are such a gifted photographer Mary! These photos are exquisite. Enjoy your summer break. Sunshine Always...

  15. Hi Mary! Oh, I know! It's so hot here too and I'm sure that's why you're not able to think up posts! I'm just staying inside away from the heat.
    Your mosaics are pretty and always are.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  16. Beautiful summer mosaics! Enjoy your break!

  17. ah so beautiful. You are a talented photographer, I always sigh whistfully when I visit...

    I decided to show you what my balcony mostly shows me, how lovely it is to see 1st thing every morning.

    Nasty shoulder injection today, but generally feeling better, so many kind thoughts so please read the post below the Moasic as well.
    Her is the link for 'that's what friends are for'
    hey everyone, have a beautiful day

  18. Your photographs are beautiful, I love the effect that you used. I feel very distracted blogging with the last bit of summer on the horizon. See you the week after next.


  19. Hi Mary,
    It's been awhile since I've been here and I am so glad to be back. What beautiful mosaiic's you have created! Those pics are just outstanding!
    Enjoy your break and you will come back feeling recharged!

  20. Just lovely vintage Summer photo's Mary! Have great week, Mary

  21. Mary your photographs are so beautiful! My favorite is of the geese. Have a great week! ~Diana

  22. These are absolutely stunning, Mary. I want to be reminds me of those perfect late summer, early fall settings...just perfect.

  23. Hiya Cutie

    Boy do I know this feeling.

    Take some time. "step away from the vehicle." :)

    Recharge your creative wonderfulness. We will be here with open arms to welcome you back.

    Hugs hon!

  24. Lovely photos, as always. My favourite would be the pond with ducks (or geese?) in it.

    Have a nice recharging break, see u when u get back :)

  25. Have a wonderful week off Mary and thanks so much for hosting Mosaic Mondays! Fantastic photos - love the one with the geese floating by.

  26. it's the heat for sure. i'm in the same boat so it makes it really hard for classes.

  27. Stunning and wonderful scenes.
    Thank you for sharing Mary.

    Happy Mosaic Monday.

  28. Hi Mary! I love your summery photos...especially the pond! Enjoy your time away from blogging! Have a great week!...hugs...Debbie

  29. These are beautiful...

    Have a good bloggy's good for the spirit..:)

  30. so dreamy, such wonderful scenes. I see peace and harmony.

  31. I totally understand.
    Some time off will wonders for you.
    I really love the pond scene...gorgeous!

  32. Sorry, left out a word...
    "will work wonders" {blush}

  33. My post today is about our recent visit to a nearby chateau and it was a pleasure to share it with everyone.
    We had some much needed rain during the night and the garden is looking refreshed and green. No hose pipe needed today.
    Enjoy your break and see you soon.

  34. Seems like summertime gets so busy you never have time for the things you think you will! Enjoy the time away - hope you find yourself refreshed!

  35. Beautiful images in your mosaics today. Hope you get recharged and feel refreshed after your break. I go though spurts like that. And this blogging shouldn't be a chore! :-)

  36. Hi,
    Fantastic mosaic, it's so peaceful.

  37. Mary, for someone with blogger's fatigue, you sure stepped up to bat! These are lovely. I like every image, but perhaps the mist on the swans is my favorite. Enjoy your break.

  38. Lovely scenes for my morning viewing! It gives me such a peaceful feeling..

  39. The sound of vintage summer so sweet, but I know just what you mean about the heat. June and July have both been record-breaking months for high temperatures here. August is usually our hottest month, but, like you, I am hoping for a break in the heat.

    Enjoy your time. And, thank you for the continued inspiration.

  40. Since Picasa makes my computer crash everytime I had to do my mosaic with photobucket. It was sufficient. But not as fun.

    Love your collages. What a fun idea!


  41. I really like the colours in your mosaics here - although the misty ones actually remind me a bit of autumn coming up... You well deserve a "break", I hope you get the rest and inspiration that you need. Thanks for hosting the Mosaic Mondays.

  42. I certainly get it - sometimes one needs to take a break from everything. In the old days, a retreat was thought to be just the thing. I hope you get to take some version of a retreat.
    Lovely tone to your photos - very restful.

  43. Your photos are amazing. I just need a cup of coffee and enjoy the view. Gorgeous!

  44. Love the pictures, Mary! Very serene and tranquil...Christine

  45. Hi Mary,

    These photos are so calming and relaxing! Beautiful photography!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Gorgeous! I love the golden glow over the field - A perfect August day!

  48. Such beautiful shots - I especially love the mist rising from the pond.

  49. What an incredible collage! It's so peaceful and golden. Thanks so much for such a beautiful display and party.

  50. Oh I really like your collages this week, Lovely ;)

  51. Your shots look so serene. The mist in the morning is lovely and makes me want a nice cup of tea. :)

  52. The photos are lovely! Enjoy your break! Carla

  53. Mary,
    Your photos are stunning. They have gotten better and better.....each more beautiful than the last.

  54. Mary, what beautiful photos. I'm late linking today, but thank you for hosting Mosaic Mondays each week. It's always fun to see what others have to share. Happy summer! I wish I were gliding across that pond this evening. It looks cool and refreshing. ~ Sarah

  55. Lovely post Mary! Enjoy your break and we will all be here when you return.

    Susan and Bentley

  56. Dear Mary,

    I've been thinking about you a lot this week. I've prayed for you and your endurance through the heat and for the draining season that you're in with your father in law. I've been enjoying the images that you've shared and, *I* am still inspired by you - even though you're a bit drained. Life IS curious, isn't it? Well, wishing you peace and rest and renewal in it's time.

    Love, Katy

  57. Your mosaic reminds me of the 70's song Out in the country, by 3 dog night.....mind if I link to this? smiles...

  58. Love that golden field in the first collage and the geese on the misty pond in the second. Both collages are lovely. We all wish it would cool off some. One day here had a heat index of 115.

  59. Beautiful image of the ducks on the pond with the morning peaceful!

    I'm feeling the same way with posting lately...I joined The August Break-2010...the idea is to not put a push on the words...just let the images shine. so far...I'm lovin' it...

  60. Gorgeous photographs--absolutely beautifully ehtereal. I definitely think you are ready to go professional--your photos have an artistic edge to them.

  61. Argh! I hate to be "anal" about it but of course I meant "ethereal" quality in the comment above!! I must need to go to bed! lol

  62. mary..
    so calming..
    just beautiful!!
    sorry too late to link up..
    personal crisis all weekend..
    just had to crash and sleep..
    will visit others as I can!!

  63. Oh my goodness, these photos are beautiful.

  64. Sorry...but I honestly don't believe there could be many photographers better than you,if any. Your talent is amazing, Mary, but then I have told you that before.
    Your book of photo's is one of my dearest possessions...
    It isn't just your knowledge of a's what you see with your heart that comes across to us.



Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!