Sunday, December 12, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Living Mindfully

So how are your holiday preparations going so far? Is it possible that Christmas is less than two weeks away?

Are we at triple red alert yet? lol

I have been absent from my computer for the last week or so, just checking in occasionally amidst the hustle and bustle of the season. I'm sure you have been doing the same. But I have been trying my best to slow down a little, to take some time to reflect on the things that we will be celebrating -- to live mindfully.

And so I am making a great effort to cook a hot meal every night for my family (no sandwiches or takeout) -- conscious of the fact that so many go without, and thankful for the gifts we are given. I'm taking the time to sit down and read, even if it is only a story or a poem -- anything to let my mind rest for a few minutes. And I always stop and watch the sunset if I can -- for it is truly a moment of peace amidst the frantic pace of the season.

Can I ask a favor of you? Can each of you comment on two people before you and two people after you in the list this week? That way everyone will get a few comments and we will all have a few more minutes in the day for our holiday preparations.

Thanks so much!

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)optonline.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Lavender Dreams  30. The Charm of Home  59. Vermont Girl  
2. Podso  31. An Old-Fashioned Christmas  60. Carol at Serendipity  
3. Lenore@ A Vintage Obsession  32. Riet, Holland  61. Moodscapes  
4. Sweet Nothings  33. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook  62. Oh Christmas Tree @ A Musing Potpourri  
5. GardenOfDaisies  34. Lisa Smartt  63. Singapore plants lover  
6. Dab of This and That  35. Crafty Gardener, Canada  64. Snow Village - 2010  
7. Candy @ The Little Round Table  36. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  65. Sue-Someone's Mom  
8. M is for Maga  37. Lorrie  66. SherryMMDec13  
9. Snap @ Twisty Lane  38. {oc cottage}  67. Christmas Lights  
10. Living Nativity  39. Alicia @ Titere con Bonete  68. Suzy  
11. CollectInTexas Gal  40. Christmas Party @ Color Chic  69. Sugar & Spice Christmas Home Tour  
12. Blessing Reflections  41. Nicole  70. Snow Art @ AlmotaRoses  
13. Bernie in Australia  42. Sheila@Starshine Through My Windows  71. Cass at That Old House  
14. JSELEP  43. Traci  72. Carolyn @ Aiken House and Gardens  
15. Pam @ Abiding with Love  44. Milla  73. Southwest Arkie  
16. Carolina Mountains  45. Life Images by Jill  74. lesley  
17. Cathy  46. Jackie in Surrey UK  75. The SImple Gifts of Christmas  
18. Wandering Thought  47. nature-trail  76. Flowers @ Fiona Designs  
19. Lavender Cottage  48. Pat ~mille fiori favoriti  77. Holiday Sparkle   
20. EG Wow, Canada  49. Carpe Diem Sweden  78. Sall's Country Life  
21. Teacup Lane - Christmas Goodies  50. DawnTreader, Sweden  79. Nancy@MyCraftyLittlePage  
22. Molly @ A Bit O' Shine  51. jo's picture edits  80. Betty @ My Cozy Corner- Christmas Cards  
23. Ingmarie We/Refugium  52. Self Sagacity  81. Butternut Squash Casserole  
24. Home is Where the Boat is~  53. Tyra@Tyra's Garden  82. Lavender Lady  
25. Vee  54. Krea-krampen, Denmark  83. Shannara  
26. Meri @ Playing Along  55. Gena D @ Thinking Aloud  84. Fetch Photos  
27. QMM  56. Perlenkatze  85. Studio Stuff  
28. GardeninginaSandbox  57. Cindy @ Custom Comforts  
29. Shirleys World Birds  58. Project Bag  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. So pretty Mary. Holidays are in full steam around here.LOL

  2. Your lovely images do invoke a mindfulness. I will be sure to comment as I stop by each participant this week :)

  3. The holidays are indeed busy here, Mary!

    I very much like your idea of commenting on the two players on each side of my entry.

  4. Taking time to slow down... Nice! Your picture of candy canes and leaves is intriguing. A very unexpected - but great - combination! Thanks for hosting MM. Have a wonderful week.

  5. Beautiful mosaic..
    Mr. Linky is no where to be found..he drives me crazy...:)))
    I'll be back.....

  6. Slowing down this time of year sure is difficult! I think I am on triple red alert, ha! I still havea few Christmas gifts to finish making - eep!

    Lovely, lovely photos. I like your idea of reading a little something special and taking some "slow" time each day!

  7. Time could so easily get away from us, especially during this season. Making time for yourself and for your family each day is so important. Your photo mosaics are always so calming. I love visiting your blog.

  8. Visiting your blog is always a special treat. Your photography is beautiful! Trying to slow down, but the kids just keep us moving forward! I am thinking some snow may be what we need to slow us down!

  9. Hi Mary: Things are getting hectic here. It would be wonderful to just flop in a chair with a book. I try to visit everyone on the list everyweek and would not like to leave anyone out. There are many amazing mosaics every week.

  10. Love your beautiful mosaic..and the lovely sunset! I love visiting the blogs that link! I couldn't wait to be part this week! Happy holidays! ♥

  11. Seeing the book in your mosaic I am reminded to go get my Christmas books out. I so look forward to grandchildren some day who can come and we'll read books together.

  12. Love the little white flowers ... and that pretty little gravy boat. Preparations still going on downunder ... on a tight schedule now, but enjoying every minute!

  13. Love your photos. Your home must be so warm and inviting. Good idea about the comments this week.

  14. The sky photo is amazing..Very beautiful mosaic every week, Mary!

  15. Your mosaic is so beauty! Cathy

  16. You've some pretty holiday vignettes this week Mary and such a relaxing sunset to view. I feel like I'm in an easy chair beside you watching the sun go down.
    I always visit a number of participants. Some people have a great imaingination for their collage and everyone appreciates a nod toward their creativity.
    Christmas is advancing at a steady pace here and we enjoy each day for what it has to offer.
    Thanks for hosting each week.

  17. Beautiful mosaic, beautiful thoughts, and a beautiful suggestion. I will certainly manage to comment on the two ahead of me and the two behind me plus as many more as I can. Thank you also for sharing the ways that you are living mindfully in these days leading up to Christmas.

  18. Great Idea Mary. It truly is a busy time of year. Everyone has such beautiful and colorful photos and inspiring stories. Blessings

  19. Lovely mosaic~ living mindfully is a wonderful goal during this busy season.

  20. Another gorgeous mosaic, Mary! Love this one! The sunset is peaceful and so breathtaking!

  21. I'll try this typo can change the entire meaning of a comment!!!
    Mary, you inspire so many of us with your beautiful photography!!! Thank you much, it is such a "joy" to visit with you!!!

  22. Lovely Christmas mosaic. Hope you are having a great day.

  23. Being mindful at this time of year is sage advice indeed! Your mosaic is lovely:-)

  24. I can't seem to find the mcLinky, but I'll comment on your lovely post..always beautiful
    Merry days around here.
    glenda@ serendipity cottage

  25. Hi Mary
    A lovely mosaic! Yup, Red alert here! Have a great week!

  26. So elegant, Mary. Can't believe it's less than two weeks away.

  27. Taking time to take a deep breath and be mindful of all this season has to offer and all we should be offering is a daunting task, but one that is full of joyous rewards. Thank you for taking time to give us all the opportunity to share our Christmas with others of like mindfulness. As always, your photos and words are inspiring.

  28. Beautiful mosaic and I adroe the sky. Wow.

  29. Beautiful mosaic Mary. Love the very top photo. Yes, it been very hectic, but I think this holiday has been the most peaceful for me. I haven't felt stressed out or hectic, but then I haven't started any Christmas shopping yet either!

    Have a great week!

    Oh and I think that's a great idea to comment on the two above and two below each of us!

  30. Lovely post, we do need to take the time to slow down and reflect on what we are thankful for and be mindful of this season. I'm thankful I still have two weeks... plenty of time to fit everything in! Thanks for hosting mosaic monday!

  31. I am missing way too many friends right now- four fanastik souls who left this world way too early, in their early 50' is time to slow down and try our best to be still and appreciate life. Mosaics are my thereapy... Best to all!

  32. Thank you again for the opportunity to contribute to Mosaic Monday and to share my part of the world. And have a wonderful Christmas with your family. I must start doing some preparations!

  33. Lovely stills, Mary. Is it wrong to love a gravy boat? Yours looks so delicate.
    Enjoy the season!

  34. Mary it is wonderful to have the time here at my end to post on Mosiac Monday once again!
    Love the first image you posted..simplicity at it's best!

  35. Mary I have been inColorado for the past 10 days visiting my son and family for my grandson's second birthday ceebration. I am in the airport tonight waiting to fly home on the red eye :) I haven't done one thing for Christmas at my house about RED alert! LOL! Hope you have been enjoying the season ...your mosaic is beautiful!

  36. Time goes so quickly. This is definitely an important time to slow down and relish the moments.

  37. Good advice at this hectic time of year,but afraid I'm running way behind schedule!

  38. Very pretty!
    I cut back doing a lot last year due to the eg and back issue, and decided to cut again this year. I am enjoying it - not so hectic.
    Thanks for hosting again this week.

  39. That is leg not eg. Coffee never kicked in this morning. :D

  40. Mary.... I love that first photo. So gorgeous. I like your idea about commented on 4 posts around your own... will do. Have a peaceful week!

  41. Hi Mary -- this is a timely post! I had a LONG "to do" list for the weekend, and decided instead to "not do" most of it ... and spend time with Howard and with my father -- well worth it.
    It will either wait for me to get to it on my own, or i will decide on some things that don't need to be done.
    I'm tired of the cold, though!

  42. Such a beautiful mosaic Mary. I always love your photo's. Red alert here too as we also have our 50th weddinganniversary next Sunday. Had no time for decorations yet.
    Have a wonderful week

  43. Truky beautiful as always dear Mary. We are behind this year...losing our Kipper was such a blow to all of us...but we are recovering and catching up. Little by little we are decorating and getting things done! Simpler this year but still sweet.

  44. Love your message today Mary of Living Mindfully, especially for the holidays. I'm keeping it simple this Christmas as well and I've shared a wonderful Shaker Song on my post this week for everyone to enjoy. Have a wonderful week, fondly, Roberta

  45. Hi Mary,
    Lovely mosaic as always. I am slowly getting ready for Christmas but going simpler this year too!
    Thank you for hosting,


  46. Yes I will comment, yes I do love your mosaic especially the "snowbound" book, yes I am trying to enjoy doing more with friends as opposed to decorating and NO I'm not done decorating or shopping...but it's close enough. Thanks for hosting this! xoxo Nancy

  47. Well I have my tree up and the lights on it...but no ornaments on it yet...I kind of like it like this!

    I loved reading your thoughts and plans for mindfulness this month and will use it to inspire some mindfulness of my own...thanks!

    As usual I LOVE your photos too:)

  48. I still haven't learned the art of making a mosiac..but your's are always so lovely..and I like visiting the others.
    I love the photo of the gravy boat...
    I wonder what it is about your photo's that seem to grab me. There is something there...and I just cannot put my finger on what it is..but it is in every photo. I feel them somewhere deep inside..sort of where my heart shakra know?
    Merry Christmas, Mary.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!