Saturday, May 7, 2011

Because You Can Never Have Enough Dishes...

I just wanted to pop in to show you what I got at our semi-annual VNA Rummage Sale this past week. Most of you already know how much I love covered dishes... :)

This particular rummage sale is great because, in addition to the regular sorts of things you find -- books, baskets, old furniture to paint -- they have the Bon Ton Tent, which is dedicated to all the nicer items. That's where I found this covered dish with tray, for the exorbitant price of $28. :)

There was a line to go through the tent, and someone ahead of me had picked this up. But she put it back down when she spotted the tiniest of chips. I was so nervous that someone else would nab it before I got there, but my luck held. :)

The backstamp says: "Royal-Crown China," with the initials "LBC" below. Then "Decorated USA, 22 karat gold." I need to research a little to find out more about it. But in the meantime, I had to share it with you all, because I know you all appreciate a good thrifting story, a good bargain, and a beautiful dish. :)


I hope to see you all for Mosaic Monday this week. The magic link machine will be up by 10:00 pm Eastern time, USA, Sunday night. That's a little later than usual, because of Mother's Day. Thanks for all the wonderful links you share -- you guys are the best!

PS -- my hand still hurts when I type. I guess I will have to get it looked at. :(


  1. So lovely! Mary! You really got an eye for China....

  2. Gorgeous and worth every dime of the money you paid! Congratulations and Happy Mother's Day. Susan

  3. So pretty! Glad the other shopper put in back down for you!

    Happy Mother's Day and I agree, you can never have too many dishes.

  4. It is beautiful. Good find.

  5. This is so beautiful. I have a fav on with legs on it. Much like this yet very different. Stamped as well but I dont know much about that. I do know its very old .
    Have a Happy Mothers Day.

  6. Simply gorgeous dish! So glad no one else got it, it will be much happier in your home. :) Kit

  7. It's lovely, and the chips only underscore that it was loved and used by another family. Enjoy and have a Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Just beautiful.
    It's after midnight here in Texas and my post is up. I'm hoping things are ok since your Mr. Linky isn't here yet. :(

  9. DUH !!!!!!!!!
    I am a whole day ahead of myself...sorry, Mary, I'll be back to link on SUNDAY night. :)))

  10. No, you can never have enough ; )
    Happy Mother's Day!

  11. Its lovely Mary...glad it waited for you :) Happy Mothers Day!

    Deborah xo

  12. That is beautiful Mary. BTW is the VNA you mentioned Visiting Nurses Association. That is where I retired from in 2008. I was working one day a week as an Intake Nurse. They took my job into the city 60 miles away and I decided, at 70, it was time to quit for good. When I worked full time I was the Home Care Coordinator, which is a liaison position. I loved it. Wish you the most blessed Mother's Day.

  13. Happy Mothers Day
    and enjoy that beautiful
    covered dish. I bet you cook something wonderful to go in it.


  14. Mary, I actually remember seeing your purchase in the Bonton tent! It is lovely and what a bargain!

  15. Mary ~ what a lovely covered dish and I agree you can NEVER have enough dishes. So glad you got this ;-)

  16. Peggy -- yes, it is the Visiting Nurse's Association. It is a BIG event around here. :)

  17. So beautiful. The shade of green is just gorgeous. Hope you had a happy mother's day.

    - The Tablescaper


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