Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mosaic Monday: Fog

Last week we had grey skies, and lots of fog.  I never really knew I loved fog till I started taking pictures of it.  Now I guess you could call me a fog chaser.  I've got a lot more of these, but I don't want to depress you.  A week of grey skies had me longing for blue, which we finally got this weekend.  :)

This is my Instagram record of it.  By tomorrow, we are due for some snow flurries.  Back to winter.  :(

I can't wait till spring!

Just a note:  I've been trying to publish earlier in the day -- around 3:00 pm New York time, so that our friends in Europe don't have to get up in the middle of the night to join.  I'm so sorry that I didn't manage to get my act together this time, but I promise to try my very best to have my posts up by 3:00 pm from now on.  :)

Here are the instructions to join today's post:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.

That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. Tina´s PicStory  19. Lorrie  37. Lynn-One I made Earlier, UK  
2. Riet, Holland  20. True Beauty  38. Synnöve  
3. Eileen  21. Wandering Thought  39. GIO  
4. Valentine Wreath  22. The French Hutch  40. Snap @ Twisty Lane  
5. Mary Howell Cromer  23. Tea with Kate Spade ~HHL  41. You Make My Heart Go Pitter Patter  
6. Toy Vintage Sewing Machines  24. Lavender Cottage  42. Crafty Gardener, Canada  
7. Mary Howell Cromer  25. Rajesh, India  43. Ridgetop Ramblings  
8. Sallie (FullTime-Life)  26. The Charm of Home  44. A Little Sweetness  
9. Eden Hills  27. Love is showing  45. Couldn't Wait To Buy Seeds  
10. Chalk Boards  28. Jackie's life in Surrey, UK.  46. Homemade Seed Starting Tape  
11. A Creative Harbor  29. BunnyKissd =:3*  47. Incredible Edible Flowers Quiz  
12. InaSandbox  30. Helene@Graphicality-UK  48. Aud - Norway  
13. Saturday Skies & Musings  31. Blue~White and Angel Wings  49. A Quiet Corner  
14. A Garden of Threads  32. Pondside  50. January Thaw  
15. Bernie in Australia  33. Pat ~ Mille Fiori Favoriti  51. Painted Roses on China  
16. Lavender Dreams  34. Min fotoblog  52. Historical ice cream shop  
17. Podso  35. Enerhagen, Norway  53. The Stairs and Hearts of San Francisco  
18. Country Girl Kate  36. Tina, Germany  54. Polly DeSpain  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. wonderful pics! love the big tree in the last one :)

  2. Beautiful photo's Mary. We have a lot of fog too but these days with snow.Thank you for hosting .

  3. Mary, I love your foggy scenes. Our weather was much the same last week and finally blue skies this weekend! Thanks for hosting, have a happy week ahead.

  4. Thank you so much for hosting! Have a great week...hugs, Penny

  5. Oh the earlier time makes me smile and makes me wish that I had a mosaic at the ready. Oh well.

    Beautiful shots of dreamy fog. Just the kind to go walking along the path in and disappear into another place and time.

  6. We've had dense to light fog for three days now and the sun is finally breaking through. Love looking at your pictures. Thanks for hosting.

  7. I love foggy pictures and yours are stunning Mary.

  8. I love your fog photos, Mary. And I ended up missing the sun too. Finally! What a beautiful weekend.

  9. Brilliant atmospheric shots. In my part of the world, we don't get to see such foggy days, so I really enjoyed your photos.

  10. Looks like you live nearby or same climate ~ Excellent foggy photography and love the blue sky one too ~
    New here ~ Thanks for hosting ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Beautiful photos. Fog can make the world around you feel so quiet and reflective. LOve it.


  12. Fog is beautiful and mysterious. We had lots of it this morning, too. But blue skies do a better job of lifting the spirits. It's nice to have both, in turn.

    Thank you once again for hosting Mosaic Monday.

  13. Such beautiful photographs. Thank you for hosting!

  14. Those pictures look like postcards! beautiful ..

  15. Wonderful. Looks like a fairy tale setting.

  16. Such beautiful photos of the fog. It gives a spooky feel to the scene! Thanks for hosting.

    The French Hutch

  17. Hello Mary
    Nothing like the mysterious atmosphere fog can add to a scene. I like the idea of a fog chaser - do share more!

  18. Pretty pictures! Thank you for hosting!

  19. These are really pretty photos. I love fog too and it's surprising how pretty and ethereal it can be. Blessings, Pamela

  20. Beautiful captures! There's nothing like a quiet foggy morning in the woods to feel peace.

  21. What beautiful photos. I especially love looking up into the sky! Happy Monday! I hope you'll stop by and visit me tomorrow, too! Hugs!

  22. Beautiful photos! I am linking for the first time, thanks for hosting :-)

  23. I am livuing in Colorado now and my husband and I had to drive all through the state of Nebraska in heavy fog ten days ago to get there! It is beautiful but not to drive in. :)

  24. We live high up over a nature reserve and are quite often above the fog. Ive seen some wonderful days where it has hovered over the trees and then seen it float away to reveal life below. I think it is so quiet too when fog is around. BUT after a few days I long for blue skies. This last few days we have been living under a cloud of heavy White skies threatening snow. Brrrrrr

  25. We've had a lot of fog lately. I find it sort of mystical -- especially in the middle of town. Makes transportation difficult so I just stay at home! Ha! Thanks again for hosting.

  26. Thanks for the fun Mosaic MOnday party. I don't blame you for wishing for spring.

  27. Mary,

    Such beautiful fog pictures. We have had freezing fog for a week and everything is coated in white frost. Beautiful.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

  28. Yes, fog can be pretty unless you are driving in it! Thanks for hosting, Laura

  29. Fog is something we see a lot here in winter in the Pacific Northwest, and by the end of January it gets depressing. The past few days have been colder than normal, but the skies have been blue in compensation.
    Lovely foggy woodland shots!

  30. I like that "fog chaser";') and these are moodly and nice! I live in a valley and when we get fog, it seems like we are drowning in it. Happy week Mary~

  31. magnificent fog images! You might enjoy these as well:

    lovely blog you have here!

  32. Happy Birthday Mary!......smiles


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!