Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mosaic Monday: Missing the Deck

Despite my recorded joy in snow days, I have to say that I'm really starting to miss dining on the deck. :)

These photos are from last summer -- a little luncheon table to celebrate the warm weather. I keep telling myself that the days are getting just a little longer and a little warmer as each week passes. Before I know it, I'll be filling the pots on my deck.



Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:

1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate Mr. Linky box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate Mr. Linky box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at) I can't wait to see your mosaics! Here is Mr. Linky:


  1. Before you know it! (hopefully). Thanks for hosting, and the joy of viewing all your lovely photos.

  2. Hi Mary,
    I'm right with you - I also can't wait for Spring, spending time on the patio and digging in the dirt.
    Thank you for sharing this lovely Mosaic to remind us warmer days are just around the corner.

  3. Oh yes! Spring and Summer are right around the corner! Beautiful mosaic to keep you going through the rest of winter!

  4. Oh how I love the hints of green! Green = Life!

  5. Oh my gosh...that cup & saucer...gorgeous!

    m ^..^

  6. We had a deck at our old house and I miss it most when I think of our days living there. Enjoy that beautiful spot you have! ~Jeanne

  7. Hi Mary,
    it is 12:30 Lunch time Monday for me. I have just posted my MM.
    Just love your deck images, I am inspired for when our temps drop a little lower.
    Our winter is very mild and a deck or balcony is much loved then.
    My laptop died so I am been missing for a few weeks...
    Jane in Australia

  8. Your deck is gorgeous. And I love the tableware.... What time is tea?

  9. I am looking forward to spring! The outdoor table setting is just gorgeous!

  10. *sighh* Yes just gorgeous -- and you are just teasing us!! ;) BRAT!!

    We actually had a little whisper hint of sping today.

    Always thanks for the opportunity of meeting together!


  11. Yes Mary, you are right - at least, I hope very much that you are right. Your setting on the deck looks beautiful and looks so inviting. laurie

  12. I hope you'll be able to enjoy your deck soon. It looks like a lovely dining spot once your weather warms up ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    Small Reflections

  13. Yes, I've been looking at the pictures of this summer more as the winter goes on, and on, and on . . . .

  14. Yep waiting for Spring life everyone, but did MM with valentines. blessings

  15. Hi Mary! Your deck is beautiful! And what a lovely luncheon table! Yes, it will be nice to see the return of spring! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  16. Hi Mary!

    Oh I couldn't agree more. I have been so happy to see the daylight stretching longer and longer. I keep looking at out patio table covered in snow and wishing is were warm enough to have a BBQ!

  17. Your photos are amazing. Such beautiful colors and so spring like.

  18. Dear Mary, RIGHT! Sincerely, Susan from

  19. Your mosaic is so pretty, Mary. I can understand how you could miss a deck as lovely as that...Christine

  20. Mary
    Your mosaic is lovely as always and I can see why you miss dining on your deck.
    Happy Valentine's Day

  21. I love the simple green and white theme, with the daisies and herbs. Beautiful!

  22. Beautiful mosaic Mary! The colours are truly gorgeous.

    Today in Brisbane Australia the temperature is 33 degrees Celsius (about 91 Fahrenheit) and 61% humidity...I hope the rain that has been predicted for this afternoon cools things down a bit! I will send you some sunshine if you could please send me some cooler weather!

    Thanks for having me today and best wishes for a great week,

  23. I can see why you would be missing sitting on that great deck...Beautiful images!

  24. You have great style!

  25. Such a lovely deck!! we're to get to 70* Wed., fingers crossed ☺
    Have a great week!

  26. I love all those beautiful shades of green. I needed this reminder that spring is on its way.

  27. One of my absolute favorite parts of summer is eating on the deck. Breakfast, dinner, afternoon iced teas, whatever!

  28. Lovely crisp warm white table setting! I'm even longing for the warm days of Florida! This is quite a winter!
    Have a wonderful week!

  29. Hi Mary

    Thank you for hosting MM. We have more snow forecast for here in the UK today and tomorrow and like you we are soooooo waiting for Spring!!

    That looks a great area on the deck to sit, relax for any meal and I love your tablecloth, birdcage and china.

    Have a good day, Jackie in UK.

  30. Nice Mosaic as always, but I'm still in the middle of beautiful winter and love it!

  31. Hi Mary. Thank you for hosting MM again. I love your mosaic and like you I have spring in my mosaic. We all seem to long for that.

  32. Your deck looks so lovely I'm not at all surprised you're missing it. It looks like a wonderful place to dine.
    Have a great week,

  33. Your deck is beautiful!!!
    I miss it too.
    Happy Mosaic Monday....Luna

  34. Such elegant dining on the deck! The greens and the sunny flower enhanced by white look so wonderful! Delightful mosaic!

  35. Votre blog est "beautiful", I like it very much, your "mosaïques" are gorgeous!!!!!!!
    A nice week for you and see you again!

  36. Your mosaics are always so inspiring, Mary. Another excellent offering this week. And before we know it, we'll be outside enjoying the beautiful (and warm) weather.

  37. Beautifully decorated table, Mary. I would miss it too!

  38. Mary,
    What a beautiful table. It is so cold in Florida this year that we have not had dinner on the lanai!!!

    Beautiful mosaic.


  39. Lovely, as always! Thank you for hosting this party every week!

  40. I needed this to remind me that spring is month maybe we will see some green poking up in the yard. I need to be in planning mode for the things I want to add this year!

  41. We can only hope! More snow tonight...I can't believe it! Your green and white scheme is so fresh & pretty. Come & visit, I'm having a give-away.

  42. Thanks for hosting -- and thanks for the reminder that warmer days are coming!!

  43. Gorgeous !! Makes me wish for summer ..

  44. Hi!
    Beautiful setting. I so want spring to hurry and get here. Have a great day!

    A View of My Life

  45. Green is my favorite color, so I really love this mosaic. Here the birds are singing loud every morning and to me that is the first sign that spring is on its way!

  46. Right! The days ARE getting longer. :)

  47. The green and white is soooo pretty and soothing! I'm wishing for spring too; I'm dying for some blue skies and some green! I'm sick of the grey, white and brown of winter! :-)

  48. Thanks again for having your contest. It is always fun to see all the different entries.

  49. I miss it too. Although the sun is shining the wind has quite a chill to it.
    Thanks for sharing warm visions ;-)

  50. Beautiful photos ~ as always Mary! I want to hand out on my deck too. Maybe some day :)

    Paula Grace ~

  51. Hi Mary,
    I can see why you are missing the deck-it looks so pretty out there. I love the green and white dishes.
    Thanks for hosting,

  52. i would miss that deck too! so lovely...

  53. Hi Mary,
    I missed out on a couple of weeks of the Mosaic Monday fun. Glad to be back. I'm just so jealous of all your beautiful photography. Every picture is so crisp & bright. Not to mention your fabulous decorating skills. Something to aspire to!

    Happy Monday, Mary!

  54. What absolutely stunning shades of green and white!

  55. Beautiful pictures!

    I understand completely. You are in good company.

    Almost every day, I search desperately for signs of warmer weather ahead...little blades of green grass, budding trees, flowers springing forth...something...anything! I need warmth! LOL


  56. Hi Mary,
    I'm still trying to master this mosaic thing!
    Your mosaic made me really yearn for those sweet days of summer and how wonderful it is to eat al fresco!

  57. Yes, I understand missing eating outside. The snow has been pretty but, the cold gets old pretty fast. Of course our Texas summers/heat do too. Guess we just can't be happy. Thanks for letting me play along today. It was my first Mosaic Monday. Charlene

  58. I know what you mean! I miss seeing grass, green or brown at this point:) Lovely images as always, hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! Happy MM!

  59. Hi Mary - Thank you for being such a wonderful hostess. Today I'm making it my mission to visit every site (though there were a couple I didn't leave a comment on. . . I had some trouble with the one in Hungarian and the Swedish ones, but I loved the photos). Only about 5 to go.

  60. Beautiful site. Lovely mosaics. Fun! Thank you for hosting : )
    Darryl and Ruth

  61. Mary! BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! Your photos ARE so beautiful and will help get me through the next few months while I look for spring to come! Such beautiful photos with wonderful colors! Thanks so much!

  62. Guess we have the same longings for nice warm summer evenings. Just put out a post about almost the same thing.

    Wanted to aks you though how do you enlarge your mosaic this way? I never get it right. And when I do it's all blurry?? Any help would be wonderful if you can find a spare moment. thanks.

  63. Seeing your summer deck with all that green is making me miss mine too.

  64. Yum! All that luscious spring green and white! I can't wait for the gardens to come back. Looking at these photo just makes me want it more:>)

  65. Mary - I wish for Spring, I wish for Spring. Thank you for hosting MM. I've had a blast with it!


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!