I have a thing about setting trays. Maybe it's because I tend to collect tole trays and individual dishes when I see them, at thrift stores and rummage sales. Maybe it's because we don't entertain very often.
It's a chance for me to "play" with my dishes... a creative outlet, if you will.
I set this breakfast tray yesterday, and sat in the sunny library window for an English muffin and orange juice. :)
The blue transferware dish belonged to my mother. It's a little chipped and worn, but I love the scene on it, and as it's the only one I have, I like to use it occasionally for a single setting like a tray.
I used a Waterford water goblet for my orange juice. My husband's family and my mother gave us a few pieces for Christmas and birthdays for the first few years after we were married. It's lovely to use them and think of all those happy celebrations years ago.
I love monogrammed silver. This tiny piece was given to me by my dear friend Robin. It fits perfectly in my Waterford jam jar.
German silver spoon and bone handled knife, from local antiques stores. Are you getting tired of seeing these in each of my tablescapes? :)
Here is the jam jar, a gift from my mother. Do you use pretty pieces every day? I often think I should not save these things for a special occasion. How much more gracious would life be if we dined on Spode and Waterford every day?!
Actually, it would be a lot more work, because I wouldn't dare put Spode and Waterford in the dishwasher! lol
So here is my breakfast tray -- a little bit of elegance for my English muffin. ;)
The flowers are white azaleas, from shrubs that grow in our yard. The bud vase was a gift from a very sweet blogging friend, Sue of Rabbit Run Cottage.
I'm linking (late!) this little "trayscape" to Susan's Tablescape Thursday. Thank you so much, Susan, for being such a wonderful hostess! I am also linking to Cindy's Show & Tell Friday. Thanks for having this wonderful party, Cindy!
BTW, the tray shown here was a gift from Cindy, who was so kind and helpful to me when I first began to blog. I will be forever grateful to her for her kind and encouraging words and her generous support. :)