I went to an estate sale yesterday, just to have a look around. I wish I had brought my camera, because the house was so beautiful. Not beautiful as in perfectly decorated and lovingly kept, but beautiful as in "oh, this is my dream renovation house!"
It was a small nineteenth-century farmhouse, which looked as though it may have been the caretaker's house for some great estate. It was painted white with black shutters and a red door -- that almost iconic scheme for old houses here in the northeast. Just inside the front door was a small central hall, painted with a beautiful scene of the rolling green hills that this area is famous for. The hall led straight back to a sitting room with the most gorgeous old wainscoting and huge hearth. All the floors were wide-board pumpkin pine -- to die for! There was even a big sunroom at the back of the house -- definitely a more recent addition but beautifully scaled and executed.
Oh, my.
Of all the people who were at the sale while I was there, I think every single one of us asked the same question: "Is the house for sale?"
The house had already been sold. :( Which was probably just as well. Can you imagine me telling my husband when he walked in the door from work last night that we had to buy a rundown old house ten minutes away and move immediately? lol
So no, dear readers, I didn't buy a house. But I did buy a spoon. It's Sheffield silver, with a carved bowl (is that the proper term?). I have no idea what it is used for, but like a magpie I cannot pass up something old and shiny. :)
Are you ready for another Mosaic Monday? I'm not, but I'm sure I'll figure something out by the end of the weekend. lol Mr. Linky will be up by 8:30pm Sunday. As always, I look forward to seeing your wonderful links! :)