Monday, September 15, 2008

Sweet Autumn

"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace
As I have seen in one autumnal face."
                                                                                    John Donne

It was 90 degrees here yesterday.  I am SO looking forward to autumn.  How about you?


  1. We are getting soaked with rain so the humidity is high which I could certainly do without. I love the pictures especially the spider's web...good eye!

  2. We've had days of heat and rain, but this week is supposed to be in the 70's and sunny. The leaves are beginning to turn and I just decorated the front porch. I think it's here:>)

  3. Beautiful. Now we just need some cooler days to go along with it.

  4. Oh yes! So looking forward to it! Love your photos!

  5. Dear Mary,
    Happy Harvest Moon day!
    So happy to meet you!
    I am very ready for autumn. It is 45 degrees this morning...chilly and nice.
    I shall come back with a cup of tea and visit.
    I am looking forward to reading and looking and enjoying your art!

  6. Oh, I love autumn! It's sneaking in around here even though we're having 90 degrees days, too. Leaves are beginning to change and we can feel fall in the air. But I'll be glad when it shows us more color! ~Adrienne~

  7. So is that a sunrise or sunset? Great pictures! I'm not sure I'm ready for fall yet. I think I'd like some not so hot end of summer days first.

  8. It's coming.......I know I can't wait! I love the first shot, beautiful light :)

  9. I am finally starting to accept that fall is on it's way here. I am hoping it will wait one more week so I can get moved into my new house before I have to deal with it being too cold or rainy, but I understand you not wanting 90+. That is not Sept. weather.

  10. It is pretty nice the
    80's most days.
    Now...remember...during the winter you want SUMMERTIME so much!! So, soak it all up and store it to get you thru this coming wintertime!!
    love, bj

  11. Yes, and the day begun quite humidly has now shifted to cooler temps with a blazing sun. It's got the breath of autumn to it and I, now that my danged window is washed, am loving it. Hope that you get that breath of autumn soon, too.

    Exquisite pics!

  12. gorgeous, gorgeous photos! we are having cooler morns and eves, finally, but the midday hours are still in summer mode. sposed to be in the 90's for a few days. evenso, it beats train wrecks and flooding and hurricanes. jkj

  13. Love the pictures!! Here in Colorado we are having warm days, but the leaves are beginning to turn and have had snow in the mountains already. I can hardly wait. Sally

  14. Same here, Mary. It was 92 degrees, hot and muggy!

    Your photos are lovely!


  15. I love Autumn! It is my fav season!

    It has been unseasonably cold here in middle IL.

    I need it to warm up for my daughters outdoor wedding this coming weekend;(

  16. It has been starting to look like fall here, too, and todays temp is lots better than yesterdays!
    Bring it on!
    Keep cool,
    Karla & Karrie

  17. Four splendid autumn photos! The first and the fourth are just outstanding!

  18. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW...what gorgeous pictures....did I mention WOW!

  19. Love autumn. When we had that chilly snap a couple weeks back, I smelled woodsmoke in the air and it made me HAPPY! I don't think I'd be able to live in a place where the seasons weren't marked like this.

  20. I just love your photos they are beautiful. I am so looking forward to Fall too. It is going to warm up again this week. Today was not too bad. I am getting my house and yard ready for Fall, in hopes it will get here soon. lol'
    Have a great week.


  21. Oh me, too!!! Be-u-T-Full pics my friend! Love the spider's web. Where is Charlotte?


  22. The kids couldn't believe the cooler weather today, almost as if a cold front came through to wipe away the humidity and rain we've had. Today got up to 75 degrees---that's cool for southern MS.

    Our prayers are with those suffering in LA and TX.

    We don't see a lot of seasonal change; however, there's a different feel to the air :)

  23. Your photos are just beautiful!!! As much as I LOVE summer, I am ready to bring out the fall clothes, I've decorated my home for fall and am into the "mood" of fall, even purchased some I' with ya...

  24. my favorite picture is of your mums. I love the colors of autumn. It makes me sad though, because then I can't garden. Am a little nervous about the coming two seasons....

    Thank God for blogworld.

  25. Hi Mary,
    Believe it or not, today while out shopping for fall decorating items I saw a cute wooden sign that said, "Sweet Autumn"! I snatched it up, only $3.99! It will go on my front door. Love your blog! I intend to start blogging soon, just trying to figure out the whole process.
    Carol**in Oklahoma

  26. These photos are amazing.


  27. Sounds like ya'll are as hot as we are in Savannah! I'm looking forward to turning off the air conditioner and getting cooler weather. Hope Fall comes soon! Karen

  28. Your photo of the cobweb in the thistle is marvelous!!

    ((hugs)) Rosie


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