My daughter is coming home this weekend to help with the Christmas decorating. She is very busy with the end of the semester at school, but she really didn't want to miss trimming the tree. So it will be whirlwind decorating here this weekend. Then she will go back to school and for the next few days, our Little Red House will be filled with boxes and tissue paper and decorations spread across every horizontal surface. It always looks really terrible before it looks really good.
You all know what I mean, right? :)
After totally ignoring this Christmas cactus for the last few months -- it was as dry as a desert -- it has suddenly begun to bloom right on schedule. With absolutely no help on my part.
Don't you just love a plant that thrives on benign neglect? :)
Don't tell anyone, but these candy canes are left over from last year. I tend to crave chocolate candy, so they are safe from me. And they are so tightly wrapped, that I couldn't be bothered to try to eat them. Maybe that is the secret to dieting will power -- all manufacturers should make it almost impossible to actually get at their products.
Don't you think that is a good idea? ;)
Thank you so much for continuing to participate in Mosaic Monday, even though I know you must all be very busy with the coming holidays. I really appreciate all your wonderful images and comments! The linky thingy will be up by 8:30 pm Eastern time, Sunday. See you then!