Wendy Whiner Alert: this post may contain complaints about the weather.
It's been raining so much this month that we've begun to feel as though we are caged inside the house. It's June, for God's sake. Is it too much to ask that we are able to take a walk once in awhile, or work in the garden?
OK, I've got the complaints out of the way right up front. ;)
So what do you do when you feel as though you are a bird in a cage?
You fly away for a little retail therapy, of course.
We had to do a Best Buy run to pick up my daughter's new camera, so we popped into TJMaxx for a little browse.
A little birdie suggested that this sweet chippy wire bird cage and metal lantern might want to come home with us.
I think they look kind of nice in my kitchen, but I'm sure I'll have plenty of fun playing with them on the deck as well.
OK, this picture is in here just because... well, I don't really know. Actually, this is illustrative of what happens when I'm stuck in the house. I
paint the pantry doors. ;)
So I'm going to have some fun playing with these babies. A centerpiece of lanterns? A small potted plant inside the birdcage?
Yep, going out shopping is way better than staying in the kitchen eating the rainy day away. Although I did some of that, too... ;)
What do you do on rainy days?