Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mosaic Monday: Forsythia

I must admit that some years, the yellow of the forsythia seems like just too much -- too brash, too forward. But this year, after all the snow and rain and dreary gray days, it is like a ray of sunshine, much appreciated. Of course it is to be found in almost every yard and garden, but occasionally I come across it in the most unlikely places -- like at the edge of this stream which is just down the road from our Little Red House.

Now let's have some mosaic fun! Here are the instructions:
1. Publish your Mosaic Monday post. The post may be about any subject you wish. The only stipulation is that it include a collage, or mosaic of photos.
2. Once it is published, click on the title of the post. This will lead you to the static link for your post. The static link is the page with only that post on it. Copy the url from your browser at the top of the page.
3. Paste the url into the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
4. Type your name in the appropriate inlinkz box in this post.
5. Click on "Enter."
6. Please link back to this Mosaic Monday post so that your readers can find other wonderful mosaics.
That's all there is to it! It's always a good idea to then check and see if your link is working. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: mrcarroll(at)optonline

And a quick reminder: if you would like to join Mosaic Monday but don't know quite where to start, there is a tutorial on mosaic-making on my sidebar. Just scroll down, and click on the small blue mosaic.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful images with all of us at Mosaic Monday!  

1. The Charm of Home  33. A Montana Life  65. DashingSmiles  
2. Our Country Home  34. Bess at Fixing My Thoughts  66. DD  
3. Eileen, Md  35. Office Reveal  67. EG Wow, Canada  
4. ellen b  36. That Country Place  68. Proje Çantası, Shine and Yellow  
5. Lavender Dreams  37. Starshine Through My Windows  69. Pondside H-O-M-E  
6. A Garden of Threads  38. TBH...Springier  70. Nature Trail  
7. Garden Geek  39. Wandering Thought  71. Just another Girl  
8. Podso  40. Queen Bee Cottage  72. MB Stanwood, Wa USA  
9. peat pot pretties  41. Hyacinths for the Soul  73. Waverly Win  
10. Carol @ There's Always Thyme to Cook  42. Bernie, Australia  74. Jill Ruth  
11. Black Eyed Susans Kitchen  43. Riet, Holland  75. Patricia  
12. After the Rain  44. Missy  76. Candlelight decor  
13. QMM  45. Gypsea Nurse  77. BunnyKissd =:3*  
14. Gardening in a Sandbox  46. Dimple  78. Deb  
15. Porch Days  47. Fishtail Cottage  79. King Alfreds @ Almota Roses  
16. Art@Home  48. Dew Drops  80. Everyday...  
17. Mosaic Kitchen Food  49. Tattered Rebel  81. Happy Birthday, Mom!  
18. Sall's Country Life  50. Mr Gardener Bunny  82. Elliott Crafty Creations  
19. Jeri  51. Suzy@Kitchen Bouquet  83. Teacup Lane - Easter Eggs  
20. Teresa  52. glenda@serendipity cottage  84. Jidhu Jose  
21. Lavender Cottage  53. Lorrie  85. Planes, Trains & Automobiles  
22. Dab of This and That  54. Jenn  86. Shabby Chic Shower & diaper cake  
23. Life Images by Jill  55. Fairchild Street  87. Designing Sugar Cookies  
24. Vee  56. Teacup In The Garden  88. "Eiffel" Tablescape & Chicken Cordon Bleu recipe  
25. Kathy-Delightsome Life  57. Normandy Life  89. amy of four corners design  
26. Twisty Lane  58. Katalin  90. Anna @ Laughing Raven  
27. Diann @ The Thrifty Groove  59. Betty @ My Cozy Corner  91. Flower Photography  
28. Pysanky Easter Eggs  60. DawnTreader, Sweden  92. Beach House in pink and blue  
29. Susan @ Savoring Time in the Kitchen  61. Bhupesh  93.  
30. Pat !~ Mille Fiori Favoriti  62. Milla  94. Talk Derby to me  
31. Perfect Dress +  63. Self Sagacity  95. Rosie, mygardenhaven  
32. Candy @ The Little Round Table  64. Francisca in Romania  96. The French Hutch  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


  1. Oh absolutely! The Forsythia this year is a welcome relief to this very long winter we are all experiencing. Beautiful photos Mary!

  2. I agree Mary! Lovely photos of the forsythia and it is beautiful. After this past winter I was longing to see some pretty spring colors.

  3. This forsythia is really gorgeous! I love for it to grow big and wild! I know you have to trim it to keep it under control but I don't like it shaped! I think I linked but I don't see it yet! I'll come back and check again! ♥ Hugs! ♥

  4. Beautiful Mary. Yellow is such a happy and cheerful colour after a long winter. Happy MM.

  5. They do look so bright and pretty in those shots! Gorgeous!

  6. The forsythia is like a sunny smile! Beautiful, artful shots Mary!

  7. Yes the forsythia is beautiful but your photography makes it even more beautiful. Great job.

  8. Thank you Mary Your mosaic is lovely!

  9. The forsythia really stands out at this time of the year. I love the happy yellow colour. Beautiful. V

  10. These are beautiful Mary! Little happy blossoms perched on their happy little branches:)

  11. Mary, your forsythia mosaic is simply lovely. I love the photo taken by the creek. Thanks for hosting Mosaic Monday!

    Ricki Jill

  12. Yellow is one of the most dominant colours in the Australia bush - particularly wattle. So I love your splash of beautiful forsynthia - a plant I have never seen before. So thankyou, and enjoy your spring days.

  13. Hi Mary
    The yellow blossoms of forsythia really glow, especially against the forest backdrop where you found them. The macro shot is very pretty.

  14. No forsythia here yet and, believe me, I'd welcome it. I may force some and hope that there'll be blooms on the Easter table. Beautiful photographs, Mary. How interesting that you've found it blooming on the river's edge. A former homestead? Someone sick of their forsythia? An enterprising someone? Whatever reason, it is charming there.

  15. Gorgeous photos of forysthia. I especially love the first one against the blue sky. I wonder how the forsythia got along the riverbank. Here in Canada it will only grow where it is planted and doesn't self-propagate, but that could be different where you are.

  16. Forsythia. How I love forsythia. Wonderful post, as always. This is my most favorite of all the link-party events. Thank you SO So much.

  17. Beautiful photos of Forsythia, Mary! We're still waiting here. When the Forsythia bloom it's time to cut back the roses I learned years ago.

  18. Beautiful Mary! Forsythia are a favorite!

  19. your photos of the forsythia are great - I cut mine back so severly last year that I didn't get any blooms this year - only leaves - I do miss it!

  20. I love forsythia. When it blooms, I know Spring is here. Thanks for hosting again this week.
    Have a great week.

  21. These photos are so beautiful..just whats needed at the end of a long winter.
    A breath os sunshine...thanks for sharing this Mary

    Deborah xo

  22. Oh so lovely! I have two of these bushes and so far only one blossom. Been still so chilly out. Kit

  23. That's so beautiful! I love how the yellow stood out among the trees!

  24. It does indeed light up the landscape ... what a brilliant sight it makes next to the stream.

  25. The forsythia is gorgeous. I like to use branches of fresh cut blooms in the house during the spring.
    Thanks for hosting each week. ~ Sarah

  26. That is one beautiful forsythia! My mother used to have hedges of them surrounding one area of our property!! Ohh...the memories it brings..
    Thank you for hosting...
    This is my first!!!

  27. Just beautiful! I love all the photos, but especially the landscape view with the splash of yellow in the quiet woods. I had to take out an old forsythia in my back yard that I had revived a few years ago because February's bitter cold snap apparently killed it. :-( So thanks for the pics!

  28. I love forsythia, and these photos are lovely.

  29. The forsythia is just beautiful & not too bright at all. Loved your previous post about your garden & its visitors. The photos of the deer and squirrel were awesome.

  30. I feel the same way usually about the forsythia, but you've captured their beauty perfectly!

  31. The forsythia just glows in the dark woods - how beautiful. It is indeed welcome after this long, long winter.

  32. I'm doing the same. Actually I do not like forsythia, but this year I find it great. Especially in combination with the green and the white flowers of other trees. Great photo's! Thanks for the parts.
    Best wishes,

  33. What an amazing splash of yellow in the woods, it always fascinates me to see "garden" plants out in the wild.
    Many thanks for hosting MM, one of my favourite weekly gatherings.
    Have a great week, Mary.

  34. How lovley. Ours are not blossoming yet. I'm particularly fascinated by that picture from the woods by the river. Not sure I ever saw forsythia grow in a place like that.

  35. You're so right, Mary! This year we seem to need that gorgeous yellow more than other years. I love the photo of the brilliant forsythia.

  36. Lovely idea, and wonderful photos.I have joined in this week!

  37. A beautiful mosaic.
    Thanks for switching back to just our names and not the thumbnail photos. They take way too long to post.
    Thanks, too, for hosting.

  38. Thanks for hosting...your forsythia is incredible. I have 2 little bushes that looked beautiful yesterday but today it's raining and some of the blooms have dropped. :o( Have a great week...~Ann

  39. The yellow is gorgeous! Thanks again for hosting!

  40. What gorgeous pictures, Mary! Loved the forsythia.
    I'd also like to add that I so look forward to your mosaic monday photos...I'm also your newest follower. Thanks for sharing your photos.

  41. What a gorgeous splash of colour Mary! The forsythia growing by the creek is beautiful & perfect for today ~ it is trying to snow here!

  42. Such beautiful forsythia! I can't wait to see it blooming around here!

  43. My forsythia is so late this hasn't started blooming at all yet....but the forsythia that has been planted along Rt 95 is in full glory and it makes a commute so much nicer:) I love love love the pic of the forsythia by the stream...

  44. We don't get the forsythia here in North Carolina like we did when we lived in New Hampshire but we do get a similar looking bush with purple flowers...that I don't know the name to as yet ;) We know it's officially Spring when the Bradford Pears, the Dogwoods and the Crape Myrtles all bud at once. It's such a welcome site...even when we know the pollen is soon to Thanks for hosting once again and hope you have a wonderful week. Fondly, Roberta

  45. So beautiful....especially the forsythia reflected in the pool. Did you plant those, or are they native?

    Have a beautiful day!

  46. Gorgeous! My mother has one of these bushes in her backyard and I always thought it was simply spectacular this time of year!

  47. The forsythia is beautiful, but I know what you mean about its usual "brashness". We've all had so much gloom this winter that it's a refreshing sight! Happy Monday!

  48. I particularly love the splash of color in the woods. Though I didn't make it for Mosaic Monday this week (actually, for a number of weeks), I surely do enjoy the array of visuals when I stop by! Thank you.

  49. Am number 95 in the linky list, but I'm happy to be here. Better late than never. Your first photo stands looks like there's movement, due to your soft background. How did you get that effect? Lovely.

  50. Rosie, that shot was taken with a wide open aperture, which gives you a very shallow depth of field. I focused on the central flower, so almost everything else is out of focus. Also, it was a bit windy that day, so I guess that contributes to the sense of movement also. :)

  51. Forsythia just make me happy happy HAPPY!

    Your photos of my happy are wonderful.


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