The Lilies of the Valley are blooming at our Little Red House. My mother planted just a few of them years ago, and now they have spread all along the front walkway, where they perfume the path to our front door. They truly are "heaven scent." :)
We are on "Triple Red Alert" here at the Little Red House. Well, at least I am. My son went back to school yesterday, but he's returning a week from Saturday with his girlfriend. I need to go on a cleaning frenzy, but all I seem to be able to do at the moment is run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, and eat everything in sight. (I'm eating; not the chicken. That simile is over. Kiss it goodbye.) Anyway, if I don't visit you all for awhile, please understand. I'm on Triple Red Alert!!!
Edited to add: Not ten minutes after I posted this, I dropped an almost-full plastic bottle of pancake syrup on the wood floor in the kitchen. It broke open and spread into a foot-wide pool that took fifteen minutes and half a roll of paper towels to clean up. Aaaarrrgh!
I'm sure you will whip things into shape in no time, and then you will post some more great pictures of your beautiful house right:>)?
ReplyDeleteEverything will come together wonderfully. She'll be so mesmerized by your lovely home she won't even notice a stray dust bunny or two. :-) Rosie
ReplyDeleteI adore lily-of-the-valley.
ReplyDeleteDon't overly panic. Girlfriends are usually trying so hard to impress you that they won't notice everything you would.
The other girls said it best. It will all work out. Good Luck, Janie
ReplyDeleteOh I know how you feel. It is so nerveracking when they bring home someone new. In reality they are meant to be coming to see you but we always feel like they will also judge us by our home. Oh we women know how to send ourselves insane by putting that added pressure on ourselves!!
ReplyDeleteGood Luck - hope she's worth the effort.
That shot is beautiful. And the syrup? Yikes.
ReplyDeleteMy lily of the valley just didn't come up this year. I think the ground cover took over...
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that cleaning spree. Never much fun, but nice when they are finished!
From the shots you've shown of your house, I don't feel you've got a whole lot to do. Your home is beautiful. Plus, you've already cleaned out the closets. So just stuff them back up. Just joking. And the syrup? Hey, that spot is clean. So there, you are well on your way. :) Margie
ReplyDeleteTake a moment - and just breathe. And remember what us "accident prone/mess-making" people (me)have to remind ourselves... "When I slow down, I go faster."
ReplyDeleteAnd don't worry about the girlfriend... she'll be busy being WAY too intimidated and terrified that you won't like her. Trust me - she won't even see past the front door.
Good luck! I'm sure it will go beautifully!
Soory about the syrup mess but it could have been worse...could have been a carton of eggs. ;o)You have the best photographs...wish I had half your talent! Cami
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness! You seem to be in a panic. There's an old saying, "the hurrier I go, the behinder I get".
ReplyDeleteAll will go well, you have a beautiful home, Mary.
I love lilies of the valley!
ReplyDeleteBy the time you read this you will probably be knee high deep in cleaning. If that girl is the way I was when I first met the parents of a beau, I was so nervous that I barely knew what the chair looked like I was sitting on, no less if their house was clean. Not to worry, how lovely that your son is so proud of you that he wants to introduce you. Blessings, Karen
P.S. I love how your garden is blessed by something lovely your mom planted.
I am thinking that no matter how much time and Bounty you use, the kitchen floor will still be sticky and once she is in your gorgeous kitchen she will be trapped!! Ignore the other rooms ;-)
Breathe, take deliberate steps, breathe, haste makes waste, breathe...that little mantra should help get you through the cleaning frenzy. Sounds like exciting times in your family!
ReplyDeleteOh Mary...relax and slow down...you'll be fine. Wish I could smell those flowers from here....
Hi Mary,
ReplyDeleteI know you will be just fine - please tell us how your visit goes with your son and his girlfriend.
Oh.... I love Lily-of-the-Valley. I planted some pips in the fall last year, and they came up this year. I am waiting with excitement to see the blooms!!
I totally understand Triple Red Alert. As much as I like to try to keep our home, clean and organized, every time I find out that company is coming, everything that isn't perfect comes flying out to hit me in the face. And I turn into a wild woman, flying around trying to get things done. With four kids I understand the huge, sticky, hard to clean messes too. Those are the worst.
ReplyDeleteGood luck returning things to normal! We'll miss you.
I love Lilies of the Valley and we have a lot of them in our yard. Along with the lilacs, there is a heavenly scent around our house right now.
ReplyDeleteLily-of-the-valley are one of my favorite flowers.
ReplyDeleteEverything will be wonderful for the visit, shes not comming to see the house but to meet you :)
Mary -
ReplyDeleteBreathe deeply. Very deeply. More than once. And often.
Good luck with meeting the girlfriend - never as bad as we anticipate I think. Love the lilies of the valley - ours will be blooming in another couple weeks.
ReplyDeletewonderful light!
ReplyDeleteSorry about the syrup, but I am still confused about the whole chicken thing. Okay... you are a chicken... but not a hungry chicken... but a headless chicken...or a hungry headless chicken???
ReplyDeleteI love Lily of the Valley but I can't grow it where I live. It gets so hot that only the strongest survive like lantana and geraniums and some roses.
ReplyDeleteThe girlfriend will love you and your home. She'll be the nervous one.
Oh Mary, I hate it when something spills like that! I just did the same thing with coffee grinds as I cleaned the coffee pot and tried to hold that soggy thing pinched between two fingers...you'd of thought I threw it because it just went all over the place! Take a deep breath, your home is darling and I'm sure everything will look and feel beautiful :)
Oh my, I know just what you mean about being on triple red alert! I am not someone who naturally comes about housekeeping and I hate it with a passion, so whenever I have someone coming over for a visit, I am in a frantic state of triple red alert as well! And oh my goodness, I would have done something just like what you did with the syrup! When I most need things to come together, life loves to throw me a challenge! lol
ReplyDeleteOh, I can post! You have no idea what it's been like with my internet problems. It's still not taken care of and now they think it's the Belkin wireless router they sold me. Anyway, pages load, for the most part, but then they lock up sometimes when I go to post.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say that I understand being on Triple Red Alert!!! I am on this as well until next weekend. Two girlfriends are coming out to possibly *gasp* sleep over and neither has been here before for that.
Your lily of the valley is beautiful. It's making me want to plant some just to be able to pick it and smell it.
And your two little strawberries on that plate are just poetic. I love coming here. And I have been, but not always am I able to post lately.
And the girl will be more self-aware than she is of you probably. Your home will be fine.