Wednesday, January 7, 2009


My house is a total mess, and my Christmas decorations are still up, because my daughter wanted them there to cheer her up after her first days back in school.  This is just about the only place in the whole house that I can look at without cringing.  Sometimes, when the world around you is falling to pieces, a shaft of sunlight can make everything better.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I love the sunlight coming in...I did a post last week (i think it was last week) on bits of sunlight streaming in....
    This is a lovely photo...

  2. Then just revel in your shaft of sunlight. I'm sure everything will be back to the way you want it soon. I wish you sunny days.

  3. Don't feel bad. I read a lot of blogs yesterday and many still have their decorations up. Putting it all away is a real chore, isn't it?

    Happy New Year! Debbi

  4. I was having the same feeling this morning. My brother just left from a visit and I have left the decorations up for him. Ugh, I can't wait to get rid of them, and on the flip side I really hate the job. Where are those pesky elves when you really need them?

  5. Hi Mary, some sunlight your way! Oh yes I know that feeling, gets me once in while too, trying to keep up some kind of order in the house with two kids tragging everything from one corner into another or into another room. Putting up the Christmas deco is fun but taking it down....oh yes that is the part I would love somebody else to do as well.
    Smiles, Anke ;)

  6. That is a beautiful sight. If I had to look at Christmas decorations right now--on a no alcohol diet--I might just snap.

  7. what a beautiful study in light and shadows. I can remember one year a friend kept her tree up (yay for artificial at times) the entire year because her son loved to sit and watch the lights. that is love.

  8. Beautiful shot! Mine are still up too. I went very minimal this year so the only thing that's really annoying me is the Christmas Cards hung about.

  9. Mary - beautiful picture, serene and comforting. My decorations are down and stored away. My husband's birthday is this weekend and he's always wanted the tree kept up like his mother did for him. It's never one year however I got him a little tree for his office. I might sound Scrooge-ish but I figure I'm the one putting the tree up and decorating it so it comes down when I take it down. I am sad about it though but my practical side always wins :)

  10. You're not alone, I always leave mine up for Little X mas. My Mum always did too.

    I love that little ray of sunlight, it is a miserable, cold day here so that made me smile.

    Have a nice day,
    Kathy ;)

  11. At least you have a ray of sunlight. I woke up and it was foggy here and 37 degrees. I'm sure it will burn off and warm up. I wanted to tell you that your photographs are beautiful.Do you take them yourself? And as for Christmas,. it went by too quickly but I'm sure I will get it all put away soon. Have a lovely day

  12. Not just the light but the dark make this a great image. Lovely!

  13. Sunlight.....or a big old piece of Cheesecake.

  14. Wishing you lots of Sunshine, Mary!
    I feel the same way - only my "Happy Place" lately is the bathroom. Sad, I know. It's the only room in the house that's not still upside-down from the holidays. Plus it gets sun all afternoon!

  15. You have a shaft of sunlight? I haven't seen the sun for days on end . . .
    Putting it away is part of the reason we didn't get a tree this year. I just couldn't do it.

  16. Light___
    one the wings
    of a snow white dove.

  17. Sun can do wonders for the spirit! Bask in it. Sally

  18. You're a sweet mom to grant your daughter her wish. I think she's got a point! I'll be talking about this post tomorrow...betcha you're wondering why!

  19. It was comforting to read the posts who say they are having trouble taking down the decorations, too. Our tree (live but still standing tall and solid) is still decorated because, as a Mom, I have a daughter who wanted it kept up a bit longer. I don't mind.

    The alabaster bowl is looks Thumbelina sized!

    Wishing you more sunstreams and moonbeams.

  20. I'm via Vee and love this little rose dish...with so much rain we're in the same predicament...blahhhhh...but I bless the rain as I cursed the drought last summer, so I deal with it.

  21. Oooooooh! Shaft of sunlight across a wooden floor... an old table... a tiny marble fountain... these are my favorite.

  22. I came over from Vee's! You have a delightful blog!


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