Sunday, December 9, 2007


Do you have some Christmas decorations that are a bit tattered?  Maybe they are cherished pieces that your children made, or were handed down by your parents or grandparents.  They may not be in such great shape, but they are lovingly brought out each year. 
Some might say these trees have seen better days; I prefer to think of them as having acquired character over the years. :) Both trees grace our tiny den, but I have photographed them in the dining room, where the light is better.

I made the one on the right years ago, with moss from our back yard. The moss has turned a lovely shade of brownish green, perfect for the colors of the den. My dear friend, Toni Ann made the taller one. Those are bay leaves, each individually pinned on. A star anise and some cloves crown the top, and a skirt of small rosebuds encirces the base. Have you ever seen such a tall, skinny tree form? I love it.

I'll post more Christmas pictures in the days to come; some more cherished ornaments from my parents, and my kids.   I've been enjoying all your special decorations. I love learning about you and seeing your homes all dressed for the holidays. And I can visit you while sitting down with a cup of tea, wearing my pajamas. Isn't blogging great?


  1. PJ's on, coffee in hand.....always great to visit with you :-)

  2. Blogging is great! Friends you can visit with in your pajamas are the best. I just found your blog a couple of weeks ago...I may even have commented before...but anyway, I am thoroughly enjoying your site.


  3. Some things just get better with age (like us!) ... which is why we prefer vintage over new! Your little trees look great, Mary! Blogging is wonderful! It's amazing that we can visit all over the world in the space of an hour or so. ~ hugs, Lynda xo

  4. Those trees are very charming. Your new banner is really pretty. Hope your week is going well.

  5. Hi Mary, I love your sweet trees. They are treasures that carry sweet memories. Linda

  6. I love your bay leaf tree the best :) There's nothing better than the warming memories that special decorations invite. I love blogging in the comfort of my PJs too!


  7. Really... the Inernet makes it possible.
    the fact that I enter your areas quietly and at your decoration to be astonished may.
    Thank you for your attendance with me. Perhaps your grandfather would be pleased about it: -)
    Greetings from Barbara

  8. Homemade items are always the most treasured! You really know where you were in place and time when you made them, it all comes rushing back! Thanks for sharing-Tara from LI

  9. Somethings are just too precious to put away forever. And I enjoy reading your blog so much. It's part of my morning routine. Pour a cup of coffee, check my email, make a post, and then read yours. Ah, tradition.

    Now, I know that I've been behind lately, but have I lost a whole day and didn't realize it?? Your post is dated Sunday, Dec. 9.


  10. Holy Frijoles! I made a moss tree once just like that and then I pinned little birds... that's right little BIRDS all over it. Then I made a tall skinny tree very similar to the bay leaf three too. But I am not sure either one survived the move, I guess I will see when I start geting to the bottom of the Christmas boxes.

  11. Hi Mary,
    Yes, I love blogging in my jammies! I adore your trees. Both are lovely and aged to perfection!

  12. I think your trees have character!

  13. Mary, your little trees are very sweet, but the thing I love best about this post is how much the love and respect you have for your family and friends shines through. I love that!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  14. Hi Mary
    Your humble little trees are great, lots of character just like you said. I really enjoy reading your blog each day. Since I couldn't sleep I am up late sitting here in my pajamas having a visit with you! I never thought the internet could be so much fun.

  15. If you could see me first thing in the morning,,,,I have an old tattered chenille bathrobe and yesterday's hairdo....

    I love your trees...they have lots of character!

  16. I really like these decorations. They are lovely and not something you will see everywhere- plus they have the sentimental value!

  17. Oh, I, too, love both little trees and they really don't appear tattered at all to me. Possibly because I understand the love you have for them. I, too, am going to be posting, this week, some of my decorations from my children and grandchildren. Things that I will never part with and mean absolutely nothing to anyone else (except their dad, maybe!) It's so much fun to look at them, photograph them, remember them and to share with others that can understand your heart.
    Have a good Sunday, Mary.

  18. The trees are wonderful! I've kept many wreaths and items over the years -- and sometimes I do change them with a spray paint -- a fast, quick update!

    Jan at Rosemary Cottage

  19. Hello Mary, Quite a few of mine are aged, dusty and falling apart.
    But they still come out, cannot bring myself to chuck them away!
    Crusty moss still looks good anyway..
    Carol xx

  20. I love them both. I agree with you keep these. I love the colors.

  21. Yes, blogging is great fun. I, too, love looking at others decorations and such. It's all so very pretty.
    I love your trees and the stories behind them.
    Merry Christmas!

  22. Mary I love those trees... they are just lovely ....the colors are so nice and I think they look in very good condition.....
    I agree I have met some of the sweetest and fun gals ...and everyone is so positive .....I just love it

  23. Oh Mary! I love all your fabulous photos! Those Christmas trees ARE something special..both in the memories they provide and also that I have never seen anything like them! I might be tempted to try something like that if I ever get the time. Forgive me if this question was already answered but in regards to your gorgeous place you do Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners? I love the silver and the gold one so maybe one on each day? I know you showed us all your storage areas but I just can not believe it when you pull out all these little goodies! you need to come on over here and help me get organized! oh I do love reading your blogs and viewing all your beautiful photos. Can't wait to see your treasured ornaments. I too will be in my pj's with coffee in hand. Take care, Laurie

  24. I love both of those trees. Your decorating style is timeless.


  25. What a beautiful blog! I discovered you through Kim's Daisy Cottage, and have so enjoyed my visit. I am adding you to my list so that I can visit often.

    xo, Andrea


Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment. I love to hear what you have to say!