I feel so very fortunate to have become a part of such a friendly and supportive blogging community. Before I discovered blogging, I posted photos of my house on HGTV's Rate My Space. While there are many wonderful people posting and leaving comments there, there are also some rather nasty ones. Let me tell you, some of those people take the rating system WAY too seriously! And their comments could make Simon Cowell sound like Mr. Rodgers.
I found decorating blogs through Cindy, at My Romanic Home, who left a link to her site on her RMS pages. I was enchanted by her beautiful home and loved her friendly writing. I soon found others through her blogroll, including Kathy of Kathy's Cottage and Kim, at Daisy Cottage. I read their posts daily, left a few comments and, after several months, got up the nerve to start my own blog. And thus, stepped into many beautiful homes and met so many inspiring and wonderful people.

And now, Kathy has given me this wonderful award. Thank you so much, Kathy! Kathy was one of my very first inspirations, and I still enjoy visiting her every day. I would like to pass it on to Sue, at Rabbit Run Cottage, who was so kind to me when I first began blogging, and who never fails to leave such sweet comments that always brighten my day.

Thank you all, dear bloggers, many times over. You all brighten my life each and every day.
And I've been tagged by Rose, of Classic Charm, to play Christmas Hoopla -- here goes:
- I refuse to think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving.
- It ususally takes me about two weeks to get the Christmas decorating done. Until it is done, my house is a total disaster area, with boxes and tissue paper all over!
- Growing up, I loved the old Christmas movies from the forties: Holiday Inn, White Christmas, Miracle on 34th Street, It's A Wonderful Life.
- I love to sing Christmas carols while I'm driving in the car (alone!).
- I hate writing Christmas cards.
- I love eggnog.
- Have you ever noticed that eggnog is a really weird word? Just stare at it for a few minutes -- you'll see what I mean.
- One year when we were first married, and living with my mom, we opened our presents right after midnight mass. It seemed so magical, in the dark with the tree lights twinkling. Then we had kids, and opened them at 5am -- still in the dark, but somehow not so magical.
- I always make sure that each of my kids has the same number of presents under the tree. This usually entails some frantic, last-minute shopping. You'd think I'd learn, and start earlier, but no.
- I love watching my kids open their presents, even now when they are 20 and 16. It's the best part of Christmas.
- I'm always dreaming of a white Christmas.
- I don't like the actual task of taking down the Christmas decorations, but I love how airy and open the house feels when they're gone. Does that sound weird?
RULES: 1. List 12 random things about yourself that has to do with Christmas.2. Please refer to it as hoopla and not the dreaded m-word.3 According the the creator, Andrea, you must specifically tag your people. There's none of this saying, "if you're reading this consider yourself tagged.4. Hurry, Christmas is coming and Andrea would like as many people to get involved in this as possible so it can make the rounds and we can read 12 things about everyone and Christmas. I tag the following friends to join in the Christmas Hoopla!
Stephanie, of The Hearts of Hartman
Debbie, of The Shady Spot
Judy, of Gracious Southern Living
Remember, be sure to drop by and leave a comment on Saturday, December 22nd. I'll be celebrating my 100th post, and giving away a few goodies!
Excellent hoopla answers! I found myself chuckling and nodding along with some of them. lol Congratulations on your award Mary! Have a wonderful day.....
ReplyDeleteAmanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
I agree completely about taking down the ornaments! These Hooplas seem really hard when you get them but once you get going it just kind of comes to you doesn't it? It's so nice to get to kow a bit more about people too:>) I am so glad you started your blog, I check yours every day too, and I always love what you post:>)
ReplyDeleteHi Mary,
ReplyDeleteYes RMS can be nasty. I enjoyed seeing your spaces there. I don;t visit there too much anymore, was never brave enough to post any spaces. Enjoy reading your blog everyday. Enjoyed your Hoopla answers, I can relate to them. Have a wonderful day. It's snowing in Mass here again today!!
Congratulations on the award, Mary:)
ReplyDeleteLove your "Hoopla" list. Opening presents after midnight mass does sound magical.
Hope you have a great day.
Someday I'm going to take a photography course from you! I love the lovely chest with the wall paper- just what I love! Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteGood morning Mary! Thank you for the Hoopla award. When I get home from my "real" job today I will respond. It makes you have to think so I don't have enough time to do it this morning.
ReplyDeleteI see greenie gardens likes your red chest like I do...don't you dare give it to her cause I have first dibs (remember from RMS - we are going to swap your chest for my dog picture)? Have a wonderful, creative day - Judy
I am with you Mary on how open and airy the house feels when Christmas comes down. It is like going from an ultra traditional Victorian to a stark clean swept modern. I always love the change.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog. Your photos make me happy. I cracked up but completely identified with your post the other day that said something like "because things are a little beat up, my house looks better at night." Mine doesn't have the spiffy-charm of yours (I just figured out what my decorating style is a few years ago, before that it was a conglomeration of other peoples' styles) but I like mine at night with candlelight, too.
ReplyDeleteI loved reading your hoopla answers. So many of them could have been my answers. The funny thing...I still do the "same amt." thing with all my grandkids!!
ReplyDeleteI dread taking all the decorations down, too. I love it when they are all put away for the year, I get out the vacuumn, make things much neater and take a deep breath....and love it.
I, too, feel the same about RMS...it was a hard place to be at times. I seldom go back and will probably pull out completely, soon.
I can't wait for your giveaway. I, too, passed my 100th (didn't even realize it) so will do a giveaway after Christmas...
hugs, bj
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your award and you brighten *my* day with your daily posts. Such a reliable girl!!
I am approaching my 50th post, don't know if I will do anything for it yet.
Loved your Hoopla.
Loved your answers Mary - I'm with you, I love putting Christmas up and I absolutely dread taking it back apart...but I love the way the house seems all clean and airy afterwards. My home is very small so by the time I take stuff down I'm usually very ready!
Find myself nodding and agreeing with your answers too! I certainly dread taking down the decorations (usually the day after New Years) and trying to fit them back into the tiny drawers and cupboard shelves here at Rosemary Cottage where space is so tight even a extra tiny bauble couldn't fit in! LOL! And somehow I do leave the two small lit trees on the porch all year long -- because I do love the extra light to see the door at night!
ReplyDeleteJan at Rosemary Cottage
Enjoyed your hoopla answers and congrats on award! I do enjoy the sense of "relief" January can bring after the fun crowdedness of Dec!
ReplyDeleteNever mind the meanies.....LOL...everyone has an opinion and some just aren't as nice as others...LOL
ReplyDeleteI love all your spaces!!All of your posts are full of the most glorious photos!
Congratulations on your award, and I loved reading your hoopla answers!
ReplyDeleteIn case I miss you before the big day (although I will really try to come by on the 22nd!), I came by to wish you a very blessed Christmas!
Thank you dear Mary...as for any nice comment I made, well, YOU deserve that and much more. You are a treasure. Your home is one of the prettiest and warmest I have ever seen.
ReplyDeleteI have been on HGTV too and most are sweet but some just take that power and have a little too much fun with it! *grin*
Your gift for arranging and tablescaping...not a word but SHOULD be...is enormous.
I love your blog and am so glad you decided to join this happy world.
I have been blessed to know you.
Thank you for the award...I am humbled by it.
Hi Mary.... I enjoyed reading your excellent "hoopla" answers... how clever. In case it gets crazy the next days and we don't get to meeting up here before the weekend, let me wish you and yours a very Happy Holiday Season and Many Blessings in the New Year!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad to have met you this fall, and look forward to knowing you more next year and visiting your in your little red house!
ReplyDeleteI agree with you completely about blogging.... when I was first introduce to blogging... I thought blog...blog...blog what are these people talking about. But I have made friends with so many wonderful ladies and the positive environment is a wondrous place to me... I LOVE BLOG LAND....
Love your glittery fruit very pretty..
I too started posting on RMS and I have taken most of my pictures off. My RMS name was stardesign.
I enjoyed reading your Hoopla list, and I agree about how open the house feels when the decorations are put away. In fact, I could have written most of your list myself. :)
ReplyDeleteYou were very brave to post on HGTV! ;-) Much braver than I could every be. I'll bet that your lovely home was very popular there, though!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the hoopla list - I really enjoyed learning about you! And your new pictures on your latest post are just beautiful!
Congratulations on your award! Love the list! Have a wonderful Holiday Season.
ReplyDeleteMy mom tagged me with this same game just a few days ago - what a pleasure to read your favorite things about Christmas!
ReplyDeletewhat does 'tagged' mean? I'm new to blogging too.