Welcome to another Mosaic Monday. :) I'm feeling a little blue today. A little blah. I think this whole menopause thing is really starting to get to me. Awake every night, and tired all day. Sick of being fat, but self-medicating with more food. Tired of living with a perpetual mess, but too tired to straighten up.
Just. Really. Tired.
But I wanted to say thank you to all of you who take the time to leave me such sweet comments. They mean the world to me. You lift me up. You really do. Thank you so much. You guys are the best!
...I know! I've been feeling the same way too and so has Kate the Country Girl... I think the stars are out of alignment or the earth has shifted on it's axis or something...lol I'm gonna go with those vs. menopause. I don't like menopause. Don't want menopause. Menopause bad. lol... :o)
ReplyDelete...Love the mosaic - my fav' is the textured lone tree photo... Hope you get to feeling better!
...Blessings... :o)
Oh, Mary. I know exactly what you mean. You've hit the nail on the button there with your explanation of it all. I went to my doctor in January and found that I had hypothyroidism and now feel somewhat better. Much less tired.
ReplyDeleteSome of my favorite photos are here in your mosaic. I sure hope your day becomes better, my friend.
Hope the blues pass by you soon. Hormones are such powerful chemicals...
ReplyDeleteHowever, they have apparently inspired artistic brilliance...thie mosaic rocks!
Love the moon photos!
I'll be thinking of you and hoping for your blues to turn to yellow sunshine...
I have been feeling the same way but didn't have a name for it. Maybe it is time for a dr appt for me! The mosaic is lovely though. Your moods are certainly inspiring you!
ReplyDeleteI understand Mary, really I do. I am on the tail end of menopause (I hope) and it has been a huge drain. I just want it over. The weight gain is the hardest for me to deal with, having been thin all my life. It does get better, though. Hang in there - your mosaic is beautiful,
ReplyDeleteJust thnk of blue skies! I know, the "big M' is just no fun. I promise, it does get better and you will be on top again. The blue mosaic is just lovely. You are so talented. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI would love to send you some kind of encouragement. Maybe If I tell you how much "you make my day" with your beautiful blog it will help. Jackie
ReplyDeleteI love your pictures...just beautiful! I hope you have a restful day!
ReplyDeleteI just love your pictures, they are magical. Menopause, however, is EVIL!!!!
ReplyDeleteI think the best part about it all is I realy don't care about messiness the way i used to...used to make me crazy and now I think more kindly about it, "Ah, well, alot of people live in this house, what can ya do?"
How's your vitamin D level? I'm older than you, felt the same way, and my D level was way down. 2000 IU a day makes a huge difference in tiredness and mood.
ReplyDeleteAnother menopausal matron checking in! The good news is we know we're not alone. We're ALL feeling tired and blue(: love the photos and your blog. Have a great day!
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what you're dealing with Mary, I have the same symptoms. I think the lack of sleep is the worst. I finally had to get some tylenol pm, couldn't function on what little restless sleep I was getting. The food thing, the whole nine yards is just hard. Time for us to take care of ourselves.
ReplyDeleteMary, Boy did you hit the nail on the head, I am feeling so down today...no reason I can name except the weight gain which bothers me so much and the feeling oh so tired, waking up at night and just feeling overwhelmed when I have no reason to be. I just turned 55 and have been having the flashes...like today I am out on the deck to cool off. Ok ok I need to stop...I love your pictures and your words made me feel better that it is not just me.
ReplyDeleteBig Hug,
I am right there with you. But you pictures always bring a light feeling with them!
ReplyDeleteA cheerful note...last week while driving from MA to PA I noticed that NJ is way springier than it is here. Perhaps winter is over ( for you) and spring will bring some relief from the blahs. If not, try wine and thrift shops!
ReplyDeletewhen I started through menopause 4 years ago at age 46 I fell into a hole that I thought I was never going to be able to crawl out of. I went to my OB/GYN guy & he ran bloodwork & said my numbers were the worst, about as far apart as they could be...I went on meds & am happy to report I am ME! I love ME! ;-)
Don't hesitate to seek help. LOVE your photos, esp. the sky scapes.
hugs to you,
Cheryl in IN
Menopause - the gift that you wish would stop giving. I'm starting to feel like it will never end.
ReplyDeleteOH! Your mosaic is just beautiful! Cheer up!
ReplyDeleteBe Happy! Blessings, Marsha
your pics are beautiful, but menopause is just plain ugly... been in it 4 years, i cired nonstop the first year, thank heavens that phase is over, but the shake and bake issue has never gone away... this year i am reclaiming my brain, that was tough to see slide away along with all shape, i had to try and hold on to something...
ReplyDeletei wish i had the magic wand for you, but all i can suggest is sleeping in an icebox with fans, the lack of sleep is the worst, it makes every moment daunting~
First can I just say that I so enjoy your blog??
ReplyDeleteThis mosaic is absolutely gorgeous!! You are such a creative, talented lady, and I'm so glad you share with us!
I am 17 months now without a cycle, and the only remnants I have left of the "issues" are one hot flash each morning upon waking, and occasional emotional challenges.
It does get better. You can also go natural and check into melatonin to help you sleep. I think some of what we think is menopause related may just be the normal aging of our bodies, especially if you're like me. I'm not in the shape I should be in and that doesn't help. I have heard sunshine, exercise and eating healthy are the best fixes for the menaces of menopause.
I will pray for you sweet lady!! This certainly is something we can all identify with eventually, huh?
I am right there with ya....I am pre-menopausal, but still, I get some of the same symptoms, and I take Tyelnol PM every night or I wouldn't get a decent night's sleep. The doctor told me that it isn't harmful, nor is it habit-forming. As far as weight, this hard winter broke me of my four-times-per-week four mile walking habit, and sadly, I am now buying the next size up in jeans and hating it...but yet yesterday was Easter and I made the whole shebang...big dinner with desert. Work that hard and not eat it? I don't think so!
ReplyDeleteI just hope that the days get brighter, this has seemed like an UNENDING winter, and it's getting on my very last nerve!
my friend janet said it best: wine and thrift shops! no really, it does pass, but when you are "in it", aggghhhhhh. just please be kind to yourself as you go through it. spring will be a pleasant change, too. your posts remain my daily treat, so you are not oozing dread, even if you feel it. we all love you!!! jkj
ReplyDeletee-mail me whenever you want to chat - I'm around. I hope it gets better soon.
ReplyDeleteAll I can say is hang in there - it does get better. BUT, now I'm cold all of the time - can't win. Maybe when you get your bedroom back together, you'll feel better about things. I know that when my house is discombobulated, I feel discombobulated!!! Sally
ReplyDeleteHi, Mary, oh me too, menopause has taken over. I am not having a lot of symptoms right now, thank goodness the hot flashes are not around right now, but the sleeplessness...oh my, that has been a constant for a few years. I have been taking something that a friend recommended for a few months now that has helped me a lot. I still wake up some, but not nearly as much as I used to. It's called 5-HTP (natural) and does help the sleep patterns. I get the 200 mg. dosage and take one a day. Try it! I get mine at GNC.
ReplyDeleteIt gets better - truly. I just hunkered down and get through it - no hormones, no nuttin' and now I am on the other side and feeling much better. Love the mosaic!
ReplyDeleteHi Mary....I feel you pain...I just had to up my hormone dose...I'm getting tired of waking up every hour on the hour with my head in the oven...and then someone asked me "does your body hurt all over yet?".....Yes!! all day every day...and I hear it could last 15 years....Just shoot me....
ReplyDeleteI so feel your pain(literally), I'm with you sister. It sucks, but hopefully will be over at some point. My favorite part is when I am sweating and my hubby says he's cold.!!!
ReplyDeleteHello Mary,
ReplyDeleteLoved your photos. So melancholy. Like how you feel! I had a total hysterectomy about 8 years ago. Went off the hormones after the bad press. I have one word for you...Remifemin. It helped me a lot. Still have occasional issues but nothing like before. Give it a try.
Blessings to you!
My mom went through this a few years ago and was miserable, hopefully I have another 15 or so years before I have to deal with the big "m". I hope you feel better soon and get over the blues.
ReplyDeleteMary...I remember those days better than I would like. They pass. Don't even ask me how...but they do. My poor daughters are just beginning to hit that age...and the blues seem to plague them too. It can be a miserable time...but..like everything else in life...it passes. My first sign was on a camping trip at Big Sur in Northern CA. It was freezing..and I was miserably hot...and it began.
ReplyDeleteHang in there...I didn't take anything at all..but if there had been something to take...I would have!! It is a strange thing that happens to our bodies. I have finally, FINALLY stopped having the feeling..or so I thought..but the other early morning..it touched me lightly on my shoulder as I lay in bed in the morning...but the worst has long passed. We women are a complicated lot. :)
~Smiles and hugs to you my sweet friend~ Just know you are not in it alone. We are all out here for you!!
Darn it...I forgot my question. Mary...what are those orb like objects in your pictures? Dew? I really would like to know...
Menopausal, I hate it!!! About 3 years ago I was feeling the same as you. TIRED all the time, my husband finally talked me into going to a sleep clinic. After getting the results I knew why I was tired all the time. Menopause can cause all kinds of things. It seemed I was sleeping but the results showed I actually got 4 MINUTES of my deep sleep a night. I started using a C-Pap machine and I feel like a different person. It's not to sexie going to bed with that machine,but it REALLY WORKS!!!
ReplyDeleteSweetie, I know this feeling all too well. I too am tired all the time and do not sleep well.
ReplyDeleteOne minute I am fill of ideas and then I think, why bother! And my memory? WHAT memory! I began a major change to my life to lose some weight and get my BP down...just slowly feel better. Trouble is, with menopause, everything IS slow! It takes so much longer to lose weight (but I can gain it is half a second!) and I have days that getting out of bed is all I can do exercise wise! *laugh*
Grace has begin the OTHER end of this gane women must play...: ) Someone once told me that puberty and menopause mixed is a Hellacious combo! Oh no! Grace seems to also understand how I feel some days and told me, "It isn't fair what ladies have to deal with Mom. We should complain to God about it!" Out of the mouths of an 11 year old...*grin*
Feel better sweet Mary...many of us are right there with you!
Love your beautiful mosaic...it's a true reflection of the inner you! However...menopause...it's a meany peanie....I don't like her...she has been mean to me too...but I too have a dr. appt. scheduled...and the bottom line is we have to take care of ourselves...it's time for us now! Feeling your blues...but knowing it's only temporary...(I hope!)LOL! Hugs from Southern Calif.!!
ReplyDeletei love visiting your blog - it's one of my top favorites. i think you are such a gorgeous classy lady, with a perfectly put together home and always in a upbeat cheerful mood. so i hate to say this, but i was sort of glad you opened up this here on the blog. it's been informative and also a way to find support on something so many of us are going through (but don't always feel comfortable talking about or admitting) .
ReplyDeletemy daughter and i used to joke that wouldn't it be awful if i was in menopause when she hit puberty? luckily i had not hit it yet, but i know i'm on the verge now. i have mild hot flashes and not liking the fact that i gain weight more easily when i never have had that problem before. and i'm tired all the time. ugh.
I hope you feel better and your spirits are lifted soon.