Or, in this case, chickens. Don't they just make you smile? I already had the biggest and the littlest. The second from the left is a gift from bj, at Sweet Nothings. The second from the right is one that my friend, Robin, found for me. I love the way they look all lined up. Cute!
So, getting my chickens all in a row, here are several awards I have been given recently. I am thrilled to death that people actually read what I write; and to be recognized by my peers and friends is so wonderful! Many thanks to all of you!

Karen, from
A Scrapbook of Inspiration, and Barbara, of
Lapplisor, gave me this award. What a sweet sentiment! I have to say that Karen's blog is always as named -- a wonderful place of inspiration; and her stories of art and travel always make my day! Thank you, Karen. I always love to visit Barbara as well. She does the most beautiful needlework you've ever seen! Thank you, Barbara! I'd like to pass this award on to Dena, at
Swaddle Cottage. Her sweet comments always make my day!

I got this wonderful award from Terri, of
Pennyann Poundwise. I still find it amazing that people actually get up in the morning and look forward to visiting my blog. How strange is that? Anyway, thank you so much, Terri! I'd like to pass it on to Kathy, at
Kathy's Cottage. Her delightful blog is my daily dose of cottage cheer.

And finally, this Amazing Blogger Award came from Dena at Swaddle Cottage and Abbie at Whimsy of A Staggering Artist -- both amazing ladies. I was also tagged to play this game by Stephanie, of The Hearts of Hartmann -- a sweet girl and a fun blog! I'm supposed to list seven random or weird things about me, so here goes:
1. I am a cable news junkie, especially during election season. I think it's my version of gossip.
2. I love trashy romance novels, which is somewhat strange considering I was an English Literature major in college. Or maybe it's just a response to having had to read Moby Dick.
3. When I go for a walk, I'm always picking flowers, or gathering leaves and nuts and stones. I bring them home and put them on the windowsill above my kitchen sink. They always make me smile.
4. I played first doubles on my high school tennis team. God, that was a long time ago!
5. I spent much of my childhood riding (and falling off) horses. Once, in a horse show, I was thrown and landed on my head. My hard hat got wedged down and it took two grown men to get it off -- one to hold me down and the other to pull.
6. Amazingly enough, the hat must have done it's job -- I was one of those nerdy straight-A students.
7. I have never had a manicure or pedicure -- can't stand the thought of someone touching my fingers or, even worse, my toes. Ick!
Phew, I'm glad that's over! OK, now you know the worst. LOL I'm supposed to pass this on, but I think lots of you have already played, so I will just let it float out into the ether. If you want to pick it up, go for it!